
MRod Air P12 Update thread

MODERATOR EDIT…This dealer is not allowed to be promoted on this forum

This dealer is not allowed to be advertised here on the forum.

He is the same person who ripped off my WokGard 15 designs.

I am not going to let him profit from this forum since he stole my design

All posts mentioning his forum will be deleted


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Hey Mike, I sent you a message on your site regarding shipping to Canada a few days ago. Do you think it would be possible or do you think there would be too many legal issues?


I got the order yellowyak, you’re in there.

It’s getting busy around here.

I got the word from the factory, the first order of the updated model P-12 is rolling,

and the scheduled date is April 20th

I will keep you updated, as soon as I here further details.


We are to receive a sample, that is shipping out to us, on March 11 via air freight.

Glad to hear things got sorted.


It’s great to hear you guys cleared the air. I been holding off on the purchase but now look like it a go.
Mike.. i just placed an order for one.

Congratulations to both parties, I hope you each prosper. Adam, thanks for providing a great place for whatever it is we do here. Often I feel i have fallen into a rabbit hole much like Alice.

LarryW 😎

Good on you both for sorting your differences.. I see these personal differences ruin the buzz on many forums so well done for sorting it like men and keeping TAG the messed up eyebrow raising in your face forum we all love… :6:


Mike and I have worked out a resolution.

So I am going to remove his ban and allow discussion of Mrodair and him being an importer.

So the time has come to put this behind us and let the matter drop.

He promised to never make them again and he made good with me. So I will hold him to his word and give him a second chance here on our forum.

Enjoy your P-12 discussion boys and let the discussion flow.

Thanks for the support everyone.

quote Mrodair:

Hey guys,

Michael Esch mrodair,

We are discontinuing the “Gen One Plus” extended safety release trigger guard.

Wok, and I have been discussing this matter, and we at mrodair, have decided to work with Adam, to resolve this matter.

Our apologies, to Adam.

We did not consult with him before release.

Hey guys,

Michael Esch mrodair,

We are discontinuing the “Gen One Plus” extended safety release trigger guard.

Wok, and I have been discussing this matter, and we at mrodair, have decided to work with Adam, to resolve this matter.

Our apologies, to Adam.

We did not consult with him before release.

I support WK’s position. This is not a random, open forum. While the forum is mostly open it is his !! forum and was created for his business promotion purposes and not to allow promotion of thieves of his designs. He is a better man that I, as I would have trouble allowing the thread at all once this US distributor was identified. If I was in his position, I’d do the same and make the manufacturer question their distributor selection and see if I could make him pay a little for his crimes. It’s just business.

It’s not about personal feelings, it’s not about advertising, many, many people have been allowed to advertise and promote their products here, as long as the product is THEIRS and not stolen. The guy is a thief. “Open forum” doesn’t mean allowing people to make money from ripping other people’s ideas off…

Do you think it would be ok to let a thief continue to post and do business after stealing from someone?

If you have been kicked off a forum for this exact same thing then you would be a thief as well. You’re not a thief right? 😯

WOK I have been kicked off three different forums for basicly this same type of fued or hard feelings you feel toward this person.you know you got back at him and I guess that’s ok but now we were watching this post by wingy and really lived for anything we could learn about this p12.someone posted a dealer who had a sale on this item and some how got it posted on your forum fairly long then it was taken off.my point being you have one of the best open forums out here not like the groupies or clickes the other forums have.i have purchased from you and you make great parts.please keep this a open forum and do not let personal feelins ruin this openness you’ve fought for.jmho dan yacovelli 🙁

I know only what Wok has told me and this is Woks playground so I can respect that. Unfortunately Wok, all this has done is flooded my inbox with Who’s the dealer questions.. 😯 I needed that extra work load like a hole in the head.. 🙄

Ouch..so if we want the gun…we can’t get it?..and if we do get our hands on one somehow we can’t post pics of our gun?

Just a question…I’m not trying to get the ax.

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