
You’ve got mail

Not! Several members here probably think I’m being rude and ignoring them. BD and a few others. I have both sent out mail, an responded to mail. Here’s the thing. I send it out, but it goes no where. None of the other forums I belong to. (Mostly Knife related), have an out going box. Just send. I hit send, and then check sent. Not there! It’s in Out going mail box. Ok. I give. wht is that? and how do i use it. I don’t see any way to send out from out going? What am I doing wrong.

Thanks in advance for any help here. I’m in a bit of a “behind mode” in the shop, so I have to get back in the Knife shop and make like a Knife Maker! I’ll check back here after sunrise. It’s going to be a LONG night!!!


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I thought he was talking about the mail service here on the site? Disregard what I said if you werent.


I see that your email is using (youraccount name) @embarqmail.com.
Do you use Outlook Express to read your Embarq email account?

It could be that you do not have Outlook Express setup to use your personal email account. (Assuming that Outlook Express is what is opening when you select an email account to send to)
If you do not have Outlook Express setup for any accounts, it will just sit in the Outbox not knowing where to go.
Your Embarq main web page should tell you how to set this up if you need to do so. Try this web page for that info if that is the case. http://kb.embarq.earthlink.net/case.asp?s=st%3D755%2Ce%3D0000000001883756815%2Ck%3D7814%2Csxi%3D0&article=171442

Otherwise, you can also configure Windows to use Embarq’s email program as the default when you click on an email link in a web page.

From Windows Explorer (Windows XP example)
Click on Tools,
then Internet Options,
then the Programs Tab,
then select the E-mail selection box
and select which e-mail program Windows should use when you click on an Interet email link.

Does that help?


Odd! Several folks here have sent me pm’s asking questions. Odd that they would not open the mail.

I have noticed several times latley that the message on the top right hand side of the page said that I have no new messages, but I check any way. Often, I do have new pm’s, even though it says I don’t. Perhaps the recipients simpy son’t know they have new mail!

Thanks you for your reply!


The out box is where it sits after you send it. It stays there until the recipient opens it and then it moves to the sent box. You can tell when somebody actually got the mail this way.

You can even edit it while its still in the out box if you need to. Or delete it if you changed your mind about sending it.

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