
Who wants to build ther own regulator !

BSA Hornet regulator drawings anyone ? . Think i may have ago , got this of one of the Russian forums , cant believe they would copy it LoL.

Maybe someone can tell me how it works , believe this works by using closed pressure on the valve of the regulator rather than opening pressure? . That made complete and utter nonsense….hehe.

Just dont sell it ! …..or your have to English mafia on your ass 😈
L8r all 😀


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quote Buba b:

Any reason you didnt go for threads to join the reg together ? im just wondering as every other one ive seen looks realy labour intensive to build compared to yours 😀 … 😀

Sorry,,I haven’t built any reg, those are only linked from net by me, you should ask that thing from Igor. That “powercurve” as appendix has been shot by me with BSA stock regulator, I only checked it’s interior and did some small polishing/deburring too.

About venting. When I dissassembled BSA’s reg, slightly pressure went out from spring chamfer, not much but more than athmosphere pressurre.


This morning powercuve with almost 16J set. Few shots goes over 16J, but I let it be here, because we don’t have power limit here in Finland,,,,yet.
No groups shooted for quite strong wind.
Some strange happened round two error, was it chronys fault or guns regulator,,,who knows. In the end hysteresis causes it’s own tricks,,,I think.

Little more shots should get if filling pressure was been little higher, it’s quite close as factory says.

BSA Hornet Multishot Carbine .22 cal, pellet JSB Exact Jumbo express 14.35 gr/0.930 g, fill pressure 225 bars, Shooting Chrony F1.

————– FPS—-M/S

1. 608,3—185,4
2. 608,8—185,6
3. 607,6—185,2
4. 607,8—185,3
5. 605,7—184,6
6. 605,4—184,5
7. 601,2—183,2
8. 603,7—184,0
9. 601,9—183,5
10. 609,9—185,9
11. 601,6—183,4
12. 601,4—183,3
13. 602,8—183,7
14. 606,7—184,9
15. 606,8—185,0
16. 596,3—181,8
17. 598,9—182,5
18. 602,4—183,6
19. 599,0—182,6
20. 598,0—182,3
21. 607,7—185,2
22. 603,6—184,0
23. 601,1—183,2
24. 597,5—182,1
25. 604,4—184,2
26. 603,0—183,8
27. err————-
28. 601,0—183,2
29. 607,6—185,2
30. 607,6—185,2
31. 610,9—186,2
32. empty shoot
33. err————-
34. 616,5—187,9
35. 604,7—184,3
36. 609,6—185,8
37. 602,5—183,6
38. 598,6—182,5
39. 600,1—182,9
40. 609,8—185,9
41. 608,0—185,3
42. 601,1—183,2
43. 602,3—183,6
44. 599,4—182,7
45. 600,0—182,9
46. 597,1—182,0
47. 603,4—183,9
48. 604,5—184,3
49. 607,4—185,1
50. 609,1—185,7
51. 610,5—186,1
52. 604,4—184,2
53. 600,2—183,0
54. 601,3—183,3
55. 608,8—185,6
56. 605,2—184,5
57. 605,0—184,4
58. 603,8—184,0
59. 608,4—185,4
60. 605,0—184,0
61. 603,1—183,8
62. 602,6—183,7
63. 601,1—183,2
64. 602,3—183,6
65. 602,2—183,6
66. 601,6—183,4
67. 602,4—183,6
68. 604,8—184,3
69. 607,0—185,0
70. 601,3—183,3
71. 605,4—184,5
72. 599,4—182,7
73. 601,7—183,4
74. 606,7—184,9
75. 600,8—183,1
76. 599,5—182,7
77. 596,5—181,8
78. 601,0—183,2
79. 593,0—180,7
80. 588,3—179,3
81. 588,5—179,4
82. 583,2—177,8
83. 585,8—178,6
84. 584,2—178,1
85. 576,3—175,7
86. 570,2—173,8
87. 580,0—176,8
88. 580,8—177,0
89. 590,0—179,8
90. 599,1—182,6
91. 604,3—184,2
92. 606,6—184,9
93. 606,1—184,7
94. 609,1—185,7
95. 606,3—184,8
96. 608,5—185,5
97. 598,1—182,3
98. 593,2—180,8
99. 582,6—177,6
100. 567,6–173,0
101. 558,4–170,2
102. 547,8—167,0
103. 527,3—160,7
104. 510,8—155,7
105. 450,2—137,2
106. 424,2—129,3
107. 404,1—123,2
108. 100,6—30,7
109. empty tank

Pressure in the chamber with springs must be constant. It needed to correct work of regulator.
If You drill a hole to outside in spring chamber – pressure in the chamber will be equal atmosphere pressure. So, if one of O-rings will get some damage and begin to leak high pressure air – this air will go through drilled hole outside. And Your regulator still will work correct, but leaking.
But if You sure, that O-ring will not get a damage and HPA will not get into spring chamber – this hole is not needed. For example – BSA regulators.

By the way – regulator can be even WITHOUT springs – just put HPA in spring chamber and You will gen a regulator with gas ram (gas spring).

BUT – in case of gas ram pressure in spring chamber must be CONST!

PS – english isn’t my language, so please excuse me for mistakes. I’m russian 🙂

quote Shadoh:

Again, another regulator that does not have the spring chamber vented to the outside air. Im beginning to think that its not as important as some folks have said here and on our other forum. This greatly reduces the difficulty in making an “in tank” regulator.

Why would it need to be vented to the outside? 😕

Again, another regulator that does not have the spring chamber vented to the outside air. Im beginning to think that its not as important as some folks have said here and on our other forum. This greatly reduces the difficulty in making an “in tank” regulator.

Got some realy good numbers , like your reg lots , looks a good simple design that wouldn’t take much work to make :D. Any reason you didnt go for threads to join the reg together ? im just wondering as every other one ive seen looks realy labour intensive to build compared to yours 😀 … 😀

Thank’s, your Shiney Thing is cool too 8)

BSA Hornet Multishot Carbine, pellet JSB Exact Jumbo express 14.35 gr/0.930 g, fill pressure 225 bars, Shooting Chrony F1. First shoots after assembly, ~2 Joules “too much” power.
Regulator seems to work, air consumption needs some checking,,,leak somewhere? Should have more shots with that fill.

——-FPS———- M/S

1.—- 669—— 203,9
2.—- 658,4—- 200,7
3.—- 660,6—- 201,4
4.—- 653,9—- 199,3
5.—- 659,3—- 200,0
6.—- 659,7—- 201,1
7.—- 656,2—- 200,0
8.—- 659,3—- 201,0
9.—- 655,5—- 199,8
10.– 655,6—- 199,8
11.– 660,6—- 201,4
12.– 655,8—- 199,9
13.– 656,2—- 200,0
14.– 658,8—- 200,8
15.– 658—— 200,6
16.– 655,3—- 199,7
17.– 656,8—- 200,2
18.– 657,9—- 200,5
19.– 656,3—- 200,0
20.– 661,1—- 201,5
21.– 659,8—- 201,1
22.– 659,4—- 201,0
23.– 662,5—- 201,9
24.– 660,6—- 201,4
25.– 659,6—- 201,0
26.– 660,8—- 201,4
27.– 658,3—- 200,6
28.– 659,8—- 201,1
29.– 660,4—- 201,3
30.– 661,3—- 201,6
31.– 667,3—- 203,4
32.– 664—— 202,4
33.– 661,8—- 201,7
34.– 667,1—- 203,3
35.– 667,6—- 203,5
36.– 671,3—- 204,6
37.– 677,1—- 206,4
38.– 681,4—- 207,7
39.– 671,7—- 204,7
40.– 659,8—- 201,1
41.– 644,8—- 196,5
42.– 628,6—- 191,6
43.– 610—— 186,9

Thanks Tunajussi , cool post on the BSAOG , may well have ago to see if i can improve my limted knowlage of regulators and also to invalidate my warranty on my T10 😀 .Think il leave that electronic regulator to someone far more cleaver than me 😯 .

quote Shadoh:

Also in the pic, it doesnt show a way for the regulator/spring chamber to vent to outside air although it may in fact be in the gun.

Yep thats what im on about , could be in the valve body that the reg screws into? ,have to do some more searching 😀 . I ment the photos rather than drawings which ive done a CAD drawing of . Il have alook at your ideas Shadoh to see if i can work it out.
L8r all

I didnt see a drawing. I was looking at the actual pictures of the parts in the regulator.

Yeh i didnt think it would be any good for the Stealth , its more for me to find out how to make one , to get an idea of how they work and are set up . Then maybe …..who knows ….one for the Stealth tank like Mc Mikes design. Im just wondering how the air travels through the regulator as theres no holes on the drawing ???

Also in the pic, it doesnt show a way for the regulator/spring chamber to vent to outside air although it may in fact be in the gun.

Looking at the pick its the very similar to the ones we’ve talked about here. The only problem is this one doesnt allow for filling the back, higher pressure tank through the regulator.

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