
Which is the better path

Just browsing through the posts, and this thought just popped into my head. If I added a Frame-Extender to my Talon SS, and kept its 12 inch barrel………would the additional space allow for more LDC’s? Would that in turn decrease its rapport? Or does it reach a point where more is not better?

I also have the 18 inch, and the 24 inch barrels. But my in-experience with airguns, and lack of knowledge of baffles, etc.,….I’m totally overwhelmed with what would work better with what … the noise consequences…how to resolve them, and so on.

Any help, and/or suggestions would be appreciated. This airgun thing has really become fun, now if it would only make me younger. 😯 Now if I can only get educated about some of this stuff.

Thanks All, 🙂


Talon/Talon SS

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I’d agree that an 18″ and a frame extender would be a good choice for what you want.

With the 18″ barrel you can take the middle road and set it to be a bit more powerful and get a few more shots at the same time.

Wheel 7 is probably as high as you can go without wasting air. Should be around 800 fps with 14.3gr pellets. The wheel should only be turned above the 6-7 mark on the dial with the longer barrels as they can make use of the extra air, if you set the wheel too high with a 12″ barrel, the pellet has already left the pellet before the valve closes and any air existing the tank after the pellet leaves the barrel is wasted. with an 18 or 24″ the pellet is still in the barrel so the air goes towards adding velocity.

Thanks for the responses…and for your patience with a new kid on the block.

So would you suggest putting the 18″ barrel on my SS, and getting a Frame-Extender for it? I’m just after a little more “punch” and a little more distance. I think the 24″ barrel is a little too strong for my purposes, living in the burbs and all.

I shoot at a “7” on the Power Wheel with the 12 incher. Don’t know what that translates to in fps, as I don’t own a chrony. I figure with the 18 in. barrel, I could get more shots, more punch, …….. at a lesser setting. Am I correct?

I could go on and on with the questions, but I don’t want to wear out my welcome!

Thanks 😀

Both replies are dead on! A longer than stock frame (extention) for 12″ bbl is overkill. Although the 12″bbl in my SS is extremely accurate(and the short frame) enables fast target acquisition, I like the power and increased foot per sec. of the longer barrel in my condor for long range work! I’m waitin on the brains around here, to come up with a shroud that looks more like a bull barrel for the condor. Christmas wish list?

Yeah, what YN said. You can already get the gun quiet enough that the hammer and other gun noises are louder than the muzzle blast.

Once you get to a certain shroud length you start reaching a point of declining returns, so with a really long shroud and just a 12″ barrel you might only take a tiny amount of noise away from the gun compared to simply baffling the frame without a shroud.

Plus the hammer is noisy anyway.

If I was going to put a shroud that extended say 8″ past the end of my gun then I’d just put a 24″ barrel in there as opposed to a 12″.

You only need a little bit of extra space ahead of the end of the barrel for it to work well enough, even though the barrel is double the length, you still have a TON of space behind the barrel back into the frame with a 24″.

Seems a shame to be to have a 44″ long gun with only a 12″ barrel…

if you already have the barrels like it seems you do. I’d try the longest I had and see how loud and if thats too loud go down a size and if that works fine, great, but if thats still too loud then I’d improve my baffles and then try the 24″ again.

Well welcome and let me see if I can help. A shroud with a 12″ barrel would become much quieter. The idea is more volume the better. Baffles help redirect the air and slows it down and decrease its report. So the bigger the shroud the quieter the gun.

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