
Where did he go ?

Or have I just missed seeing his posts.

And that would be Y or Yellow Ninja or which ever he was going by.

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I’m here. Had a few weeks in Florida, got back and was kinda burnt out and had odd jobs to get done with not alot of computer time. Dont think I’ve touched an airgun in at least 2 months.

Been in the US for 8 years, finally got off my butt and went to the RMV for a Motorcycle permit on Wednesday, taking the road test later today so I’ve been checking out bike sites and forums lately to figure out what tool I want to use for wrapping myself around a tree which meant neglecting my other web based duties somewhat.

So Harry, It finally quit raining over there? high & Dry in Texas!


Damn Roy,

Who got it better than you?

Was wondering about the Yellow Legend myself.

He should surface shortly….

U definitely got it rough harry. Wish I could suffer as much.

I was hoping one of you guys could send me a picture postcard of that stuff called “snow”. Haven’t seen it in so long I forgot what it looks like. 😛 😆 There sure is a nice trade wind blowing thru the house right now. Fact is that my favorite watering hole is pretty much open air as well. Pretty girls, ice cold Heineken, and an open air Gin Mill. I’m hatin’ life on the Rock. 😛 😆

Yeah, it must suck for you Harry, living in Hawaii.

I asked the same thing a while back and Adam told me that he is on vacation in Florida. Must be nice to have that kinda money.

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