
When ordering a new Condor, how

When ordering a new Condor, how do I make sure I’ll be getting the latest valve? Is there a serial # series to look for? I’m sure there are plenty of old valve Condors still in stock.

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I just know that my Condor is on Crack now. It is insane with the new valve. I’m pretty sure I will have to get the .22 heavy Eun Jins from Pyramid to calm her down.. But this is what I have wanted! Pure Power.

I only take out Feral Cats, Feral Pigs etc.,,,,,

The Power Wheel seems to work just fine as far as velocity adjustment is concerned as well.

any body got a shot count?

quote sluggo:

Is the newer valve better?

Let me put it this way…
if it werent for this new valve, my condor would have been sold (or thrown in the garbage) a loooong time ago. 🙂

The new valve is the “Real Deal Holyfield”. I’ve got one in my .22 and love it.


Is the newer valve better?

I just happened to find this file 😯

(Note to self…Apparantly anything online is public domain to some people… and thats a 2 way street !!)

Can some post a pic of the old and the new or describe what to look for to tell them apart. When I ordered my condor two weeks ago I said I wanted one with then new valve, well I got #01717 so that not going to fly it even had the return papers in the box from they other guy.
Thanks Dean

I called AF and the new valves are installed on any gun with a serial number above 01800.

I’d call a retailer and ask. Pyramidair will check stock before shipping if you ask them, So will straight shooters and some others. I dont know what serial number is for guns that started shipping with the new valves.

A call to Air Force would probably clear up any other questions. I know that they were out of stock for a while. Maybe they were clearing out old inventory before they came out with the new ones?

Pyramidair probably has the quickest stock turn around so will likely only have new stuff.

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