
Whats needed for a setup?

I’ve recently decided to purchase my first PCP and have no clue what I need to get started.

What I’ve decided on is a Talon SS in .22 with a handpump (move up to a tank later on). However i do not know what odds and ends i need to actually be able to charge the SS from the pump. at first i though it was one adapter you simply connect to the pump and then stick the bottle in, but then i was told i would need a hose for it to work.

So i need a little help here.

Other things I’ve decided on was a Chrony, Bi-pod, Scope, and Mounts, and some kodiak, logun and jsb pellets to try out. Also thinking about getting a longer barrel how far would the 18in stick out past the Frame compared to a 24in?

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On the tri rail, just make sure you get a good one, see the “Scope misalignment thread ”

Welcome and enjoy researching alot to digest before purchase. I too would stick with the 12″ barrel for a bit, its no slouch when you can get 16g pellets up to 800fps, which is plenty for most applications. Unless your going to be shooting out past 50yds. A valve mod will add some velocity allowing a gain of 100fps w/ the 12″. Along with some baffles in the frame its a good combination to start with. A bi-pod would be more of a need for me then a longer barrel to start with.

Also, go for the tri-rail. It will stiffen up the frame and you can use medium mounts with it.

If I were you, I’d shoot the gun for awhile before deciding on a second barrel.

Thanks for the quick response … I’ll head over to that section now

For the airforce tank the adapter will fit directly into the pump and no hose is needed.

Check out our quick reference section and you can watch a bunch of videos on the Talon

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