What we need to get it right….!
We are alway trying to upgrade our guns and one thing that really needs to be improved is the attachment point of the butt plate. Behind the bottle cover and the tank is a plastic disc with a metal T-Nut the butt pad screws into.
So what we need is people looking for an alternative. What would be ideal is a metal disc or some other material that we can use for attachment.
So lets all look for something to replace that plastic disc so our butts will be secure…LOL
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Yep that 3M Tape is awesome.
Im tellin ya, that 3M tape would hold it just fine on the tank and you could take it off if ever needed. They use this tape to hold on trim molding and ground effects on cars straight from the factory.

some double sided tape would be nice to prevent rotation of the disc…
J3, i’d be interested in seeing one of these clamps, in SS they’ed look pretty sharp. Would depend on the finishing hardware.
Also why are we attaching the washer or disk to the tank, is that needed? Wouldn’t the neoprene tank cover be enough to hold things in place??

You know Eric’s clamp is making me think very hard about the motorcylce exhaust clamp..They are stainless and if you were to use 2 and then send a horizontal piece to the rear of the tank , attach the butt . THen not only would it be sturdy but very functional…..Damn Wok you got me started on another tangent and I have’nt even finished my 25 yet….

The steel plate may add just enough weight to make a 24″ gun ballance a little better too….

Yep, the steel may be better for holding the butt plate.
See some notes regarding bonding. The VHB tape can be pretty incredible and of course there is epoxy and related. If Epoxy it would be a good idea to get a metal to metal bond. So, as someone mentioned earlier you want to remove the paint on the end of the tank leaving a roughed surface and do the same to the metal disc.
Also same for any metal “nuts” 😆 😆 😆 😆
Couldn’t resist 😆 TGIF ❗
The tank is powder coated and epoxy does not like to stick to it for sure. I do not need the discs so some fourm member might want to buy a bunch and prep them for sale. People are going to need them because the plastic ones do crack all the time.
Yep, the steel may be better for holding the butt plate.
See some notes regarding bonding. The VHB tape can be pretty incredible and of course there is epoxy and related. If Epoxy it would be a good idea to get a metal to metal bond. So, as someone mentioned earlier you want to remove the paint on the end of the tank leaving a roughed surface and do the same to the metal disc.
Also same for any metal “nuts” 😆 😆 😆 😆
Couldn’t resist 😆 TGIF ❗

I have found that for a hardware store type epoxy adhesive, J B Weld works about as good as anything readily available. It’s available about every where in the USA.
Be sure to clean (acetone) and roughen (120 grit sandpaper) the mating surfaces. Remove all paint to bare metal. A thin bond line is the strongest as long as the bond line is not epoxy starved.
Never touch the surfaces to be bonded, oil from ones hands, does wonders in making a bad bond line. 😀
My thought was to use a metal specific epoxy to adhere the tee-nut to the washer. I’ll see if the hardware store has any thicker stock washers.

Here is a link. I just received part of their catalog and it looks like same thing online http://www.wagnercompanies.com/end_caps.aspx
Quantity Part Description UOM Unit
3250 CAP AL TYPE D 2.375″ WELD-ON
FLAT DISK 3003 EA .060 wt., $2.86 ea
Link: https://www.shopwagner.com/ Phone: 1-800-786-2111
Looks like $25 minimum order but maybe if you call one can work out something.
Given what justforfun/Roy kindly provided, above is a pretty close fit. Next size smaller is probably too small so one may need to trim this one a tad. Could just hand sand it down and round the edge.
It looks like the steel version is .86 and aluminum is $2.86 and the Stainless Steel is $5.28.
For threading I think the steel would be best and at .86 that would be a nice solution. All one needs to do is center drill and thread and the broken plastic plate would be solved.
You could always epoxy or braze that Tnut to the washer. The extra space on the front side around the threaded shaft would hold some epoxy.
If you can find a large washer like that 3M makes some really good double stick tape. I use it to stick on XM and Sirius antennas and they never fall off. You wouldnt have to mess up your tank with epoxy that way and it woudnt move around.

I think I am going to see if I can find the solid metal disc locally, like the one Mikemv found. If I can find a disc and drill and thread it all the better. If not think your idea is good if that washer could be adhered to something a little thicker.
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j3, ya killin’ us here dude. Where’s the pics? 8) 8) 8)