What is your favorite thing about you talon, condor,etc?
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LIGHT, with a sling you can walk the whole day around with the rifle,
SAFE, you can see of there is a pellet in the barrel, and not like the multishots 1 or 2 or no pellet in the breech.
For target shooting is it not a problem, but on hunting, it give trouble.
And the bull barrel ( my rifle ) you can use the shroud as a help between the leaves, and when a trophy in hanging in a tree a bit to high.
Now I REALLY, REALLY want one! 😀
Asides from what I mentioned earlier, I also like that the power can be adjusted via the tophat together with the power wheel (though I’d rather call it a tophat setting compensator as true power variability lies in the tweaking of the tophat).

Light, Powerful, quiet, good looking, fun to shoot. Fun to mod. Did I mention a lot of fun!!!

I like the fact that the design allows you can mount everything plus the kitchen sink all over the rifle.
Heck yeah! It’s the modify-ability of the guns I like the most about it. Oh, and its accuracy too. As a matter of fact I did a nickel-sized group at 90 yards yesterday shooting Crosman pointed pellets with my Condor SS 😯 I’ll post pics and a report of the shooting session soon.
Below is a photo of my rifle with the following accesories: Mag-lite flashlight, Airforce LS-1 laser, home-made pellet holder wrapped around Mag-lite, AF bipod, self-constructed sling, and a camera mount with my digital camera (for capturing my sniping adventures). Hmm, I’m thinking of adding a portable fan, Coffeemaker, and maybe a refrigerator next. 😆
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I like the way Airforce air guns are so compact. I started learning how to mod mine too which is a lot of fun too. I had my condor for several years now and it’s still #1.
You like to tinker? These are a tinkerer’s dream. VonBrink
The simple fact that I can kill almost anything with my Condors and nothin’ I’ve shot ever saw it comin’ 8) . Kinda like a Church Mouse packin’ three tons of Dynamite.
The rest nailed it on the head, the platform is near limitless with all the mods available as well as the interchangeability between the different models. No other airgun offers such a wide range of adjustability within one platform. Add in the fact the airguns have the black rifle look and how can a guy not be happy with a rig? Even stock the guns have alot of appeal, then start adding mods and the gun really starts to shine.
I was taking some shots at a bird the other day, missed a couple of shots, but my rig is so quiet that the bird just sat there till i nailed him. Shooting .22cal, 21g Kodiaks at 1000fps on top of it all, almost took the birds head off 😈 . I don’t know that i could ask for much more then that in a Airgun.

I think everything links back to the mods. I love the accuracy and power, but that’s because I have a modded valve and barrel. Whatever you don’t like, mod it and like it. I hated the trigger, but YN helped me out with that (and most everything else) and now I love it. 🙂

I love the Power and Stealth factor. 😀
I vote mods as well. I have to tinker with stuff.
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What I love most? Simple, aim, shoot, hit what I was aiming at. What more can you ask :-)?