
What is the best hammer weight for a .25 Condor ?

Any ideas using a new Condor valve and a LW Polygon .25 barrel?

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Stock components worked fine for me… 86 fpe and 20-25 nice shots.

One of these days I’ll weigh my hammer and hammer weight.

Well the wife has had me hanging doors, doing casings and baseboards and have had some family stuff come up so I am just chomping at the bit to get going on this build!!!!!!

I have the additional weight from AF and other goodies (thanks Chimp) but I am worried that the 120 g hammer may waste air or might be hard on the valve stem???

I want to be able to launch the 31, 37, and 42 grainers between 900 and 1000 fps while still getting 15 to 20 shots, any opinions here?

Thanks Randy

Got that machining done on your barrel Randy?
Try your 120 as well.
Depends on your hammer spring and valve spring as well.
Happy New Year

Still no other opinions? I have a 120, the old Condor hammer and a new one and will be starting the .25 barrel upgrade and building a new Titanium breech in a couple of days so I am still looking for feedback but looks like a 95 grain hammer is optimal as the 120 make be a little hard on the valve from what I have read, thanks Walter.


I use 95 grams all the way up to my .458 doing 466fpe

about 120 gram seems to do the trick 🙂

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