
What is causing this problem?

I actually have a good life wherein I have good friends that I know in PERSON whose company I enjoy. I’m not kidding. Yet I find myself on this AF forum more than I care to admit, to see what all you crazy bastards are plotting next. Is there a pill I can take to cure this? Don’t laugh you MF’s…….you got the same problem. 😛 😆 8)


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We lost a good friend “Gamebred” to this exact malady…he said goodbye cause he was spending more time on here than with his family etc. and it was messing up his life…so he basically went cold turkey and disappeared.

AKULA has the answer!


The bluebonnets should be blooming soon, Yes?
I am planning to ride to the Hill Country next month. I have family in Kingsland, around Burnet. It will be better soon!

Well I just finished another all nighter in the shop, and Here I am again! Would love to be shooting. Just picked up a chrony last week. Been raining and or, super windy ever since! Now it is snowing. In TEXAS no less! Go fugure!!!

DH; You’ve my cell. We can start a help line if you think it necessary. While I’m not a socialogist I have the cure.

Here it is: Shoot more, write less on line. This goes hand in hand with my difinitive weight loss book. It’s only one page but it speaks volumes.

Here’s the novellete: Don’t eat so God Damn Much. The end. AKULA

Here’s an example: recently…… Rob3dr had come down with bubonic plague, and a 104 degree fever that required a life flight Medevac, his dog was pregnant and his wife got hit by a car (all in the same week) and the first thing he does after he comes out of his coma and bout with amnesia……..is log in here. 😆

I don’t have a problem. You guys are the ones with the real problem.

Adam…….That’s the picture I was looking for…… 😆 😆 What took you so long?


My dear friend DH,

You only need one pill and it is not taken orally

Damn. Its 12:19. I’ve got to go to bed 😯

quote dirty harry:

I actually have a good life wherein I have good friends that I know in PERSON whose company I enjoy. I’m not kidding. Yet I find myself on this AF forum more than I care to admit, to see what all you crazy bastards are plotting next. Is there a pill I can take to cure this? Don’t laugh you MF’s…….you got the same problem. 😛 😆 8)


I’m going threw it too its 1am and I’m in front of the laptop looking at this site like ” DAMN I NEED A BIPOD OR SOMETHING” lol

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