
What happened?

2 of my recent threads have disappeared, I’m getting “new” PM’s that are old, the whole General Forum index order looks different… please say I’m just losing my mind lol.

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Thanks to those who deserve it.


The transfer definitely was from a few days past, I lost a couple PMs.

But I dont care. We didnt lose enough to sweat over. Site is much faster, its like changing the channel on my TV, faster even… Nice!!

Shit happens when moving to the new server. I had to repost a review I did also. But I will gladly accept the lighting speeds I am seeing now! Hope it stays like this!

AAAHHH!!!! Better!!!

I’m guessing we switched hosts. He probably uploaded a backup that he had which was a couple of days old. Anyway. Great job! Site is MUCH faster.

But this site is ALOT faster all of a sudden!!!

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