
What do you do when you can’t sell it, aren’t happy with it?

Make it into what you want it to be, of course.

I have a BSA Sportsman HV that I have been trying to sell for nearly two months with no luck.

Why sell it? It is loud without an LDC, and long with one. I have always liked the rifle, but had some reservations with how it was set up.

So tonight I say “fuck it. If I cannot sell it, I might as well try to make it into what I want it to be”

I have never had this one apart before, hence the question earlier.

The stock barrel (18.5″) was the same length as the air tank, so an LDC made it look and feel longer than I liked.

I decided it would look much better with the air tank and barrel the same length. So this required the barrel to be shortened by at least 3 inches, I figure I could settle for a 15.5″ barrel.

So, I took it apart, cut the barrel, made the required cuts and bores, and ports, etc……I like it a lot better now 😀 😀 I ordered some tubing so I can make a nicer LDC, this is the one I already had built for it, and it will work for now.

Yes I had to flip the image as I am too lazy/worn out to take another picture with the right perspective.

What in the world would I do without my Smithy machine????


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Less than perfect conditions, but I think I have it where I want it to be.

Nice looking carbine!I hope you get it to shoot like you want it too.

I don’t have a Discovery to compare it to. I certainly hope it would hold it’s own.

I went to the range yesterday and had some problems with the baffles/packing in the shroud. I tried some new materials and it didn’t work out. It is back together today, maybe I can get some groups.

I did shoot some 1 1/2 groups at 200yrds with my 223 😀 I know you target guys won’t be super impressed, but with a new to me rifle, and factory loads, with a good breeze, and no sandbags, I felt pretty good about them.

Today I am buying one of 2 things. First choice Leupold VXIII 4.5-14x50AO for the 223 (used for $400), and if that falls through, I will park a new Savage 17HMR in the safe. Decisions, Decisions…….


That gun has to be better than say discovery right?

quote Cygnus X:

thats a real nice modification there…much much better than it was before !

whats the power like ?

I haven’t messed too much with the power on this one yet 😆

It would shoot a 16g Wolverine at 1000fps with the 18″ bbl, I expect it will drop a little with it at 15″.

It does shoot a nice curve, I will shoot some ### and post them once I get it finished. I did clean some things up while I was inside.


Thanks, it will get better looking too. 😀

It is quiet…..

Rusty that looks frigging Bad Ass now!!!! man that is NICE!

Man that has to be super quiet?


thats a real nice modification there…much much better than it was before !

whats the power like ?

That looks much better, Rusty. You should be very happy and proud with that job.

On another note, I have always noticed that the barrel angled away from the air tube. I figured it was normal until I reassembled the rifle, it seemed like it didn’t go together just right. I had to break the rifle down again today as I wanted to install a de-pinger.

I evaluated the interface of the valve body, receiver, transfer port and found that the valve body/receiver interface was rocking. It didn’t fit all the way together as I thought it should. When assembled without the transfer port, it mated very well. ******The transfer port was too long and was causing interference, not allowing the valve body and receiver to mate properly. I trimmed the transfer port by 1-1.5 mm and the problem was solved.

My first thought was that I didn’t machine the barrel correctly, but this problem was evident prior to the barrel being shortened.

If your BSA barrel and air tube aren’t parallel, you could have this problem as well.

Notice the difference from my prior photos and this one in regards to barrel and air tube alignment.

I think that gun looks a lot better Rusty. I like the carbine looks and the shroud moving back on the frame more looks better to me.

Rob, that gun looks NICE! is that a Predator paintjob? not that it needs it but it looks like it is begging for a Harris Bipod 8) really looks like a sniper rifle.


I know exactly what you mean…. which is why I now own ‘FrankenHornet’

I got a BSA Hornet Carbine (same thing as the Sportsman HV, but with a regulator) and just never really cared much for it. I ended up getting a full sized barrel with moderator from the Yellow forum and did just what you did…took that bitch apart. Put the longer barrel on it and still didnt much like it. Sent it away for a paint job and meanwhile polished up the internals a bit, and tweaked it… I like it pretty well now. Still a bit on the heavy side, but still a nice gun!

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