What are some of the Pellets that you use in your .25 rigs
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People Eating Tasty Animals sounds good to me.
PETA????? 😕 😕 😕 😕
P = People
E = Exploding
T = Tiny
A = Animals
Sorry it was all I could guess it meant as I don’t get out much. 😉
Crowmags worked great in my .22 Condor at low power. High velocity and they go crazy.
Try scrubing the barrel with JB Bore paste. The Eun Jins Work great in my .25cal.
The bore paste will increase velocity and help accuarcy. Breaks in the barrel so eun jins should fit fine.
I know it sounds funny but it works.
It works with other rifles as well, I had my Sumatra new. I tested the velocity before the bore paste. Scrubbed the barrel and velocity increased by 90fps.
Crow Mags fit very loosely in my .25. So I never really checked them for accuracy. Is it possible that the blast of air expands the pellet skirt for a snug fit as it travels thru the barrel?
In my .25:
Eun Jins: Need a shoehorn to get them in. VERY tight fit.
Kodiaks: Excellent fit, snug like they should be.
Crow Mags: Very Sloppy fit

Might also look to try the Crow Magnum. Thy aren’t great in .22 but some folks have had good results with them in .25.
Poor little gophers. I’m going to tell my girlfriends in PITA about you. When they show up at your door please feed them some gopher stew and explain that it’s made with tofu instead of gopher. That way they will go to PITA hell.
Great shooting! AKULA
nice pics.
looks like a great place to shoot.
Thanks just want the muscle of a .25. 😯
Here are a few groups shot in .22.
Shot by my Army buddy:
Me shooting inside:
By another buddy Kyle with his Condor:
And another gopher at 90 plus meters, I put it back on the fence, this one actually was standing on the top rail looking at me ( took 3 shots to get him in the wind:
View from the hit back to the house:
At those distances they don’t even know they are being shot at!
Condor seems to be super accurate in .22 with a 28gr pellet.
nice shooting.
Nice grip as well. I really like my panther grip.
Wow very nice for big pellets! Just sent off my Condor tank for a new valve and I am ordering a new Condor valve for my Talon tank getting ready for my .25 build up. 🙂
Here is some groups by YN that I saved. Kodiak and eun jin pointed.
The eun jin group was 10 shots and he switched bottles and did another 10 shots. Top and bottom.
My buddy is a machinist so just cleaned up the crown for the hell of it the gun was pretty accuarate b4.
And he used to be in the forces and knows a lot about sniper techniques and explained to me to leave the scope power at 10 and if the target is say 1 foot high you can determine range. He was taught to use a 6′ high target or tire to estimate ranges but for the most part I just use the MilDots for hold over as I am zeroed at 50 meters and the 24 power for looking at groups. i have detrmined an average for drop at different ranges but POI change is always the big challenge as velocity changes.
Thanks for the bird compliment. 🙂

[quote=”Randyhub”]Thanks I know .22 Eun Jins launched at 1000 fps blast thru both sides of a gopher! 😯
112 meters measured from my buddy’s porch
Nice bird you have!!!!!!!!!!! 😯

Why did you recrown the barrel, was it un-accurate before?
When you say “learn to use mildots”, do you mean you use them for holdover?
i use mine for rangefinding, but it is of course, only practical when target shooting, where i can place an object of known size, look at it thru the scope, and consult my table. i dont think a “living target” would stick arround for me to do all that 😆
Ibe made a little table for common objects, pack of cigarretes, coke bottle, soda/beer can, block, etc. i put it on my condor with tape. Works great for range finding without having to carry a measuring tape.
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Yeah I got my PETA definition from the Canadaian Airgun Forum. Yours sounds nicer.