
Victoria Texas fill location help?

Anyone know of a location around the Victoria, TX area to fill up to 4500 psi? I have a customer down in that area that is having a tough time getting a fill on a new tank. He went to a scuba shop but they refused as they have not tested or inspected? Does Texas require something different from other states? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Texas has no special requirements for gas cylinders. It’s a Department of Transportation (DOT)requirement. If the tank manufactured date is less then 5 years old OR the Hydrostatic test date is less then 5 years old, there is no problem filling it. Sound like the SCUBA shop is trying to collect some extra cash.

As far as fill locations the only help I can offer is this: http://www.network54.com/Forum/79537/message/1185242078/EVERYONE+Please+where+you+get+your+4500+PSI+Fills+and+we+can+bookmark+it

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