
Very Sorry.

To the peaple i’ve let down recently.
Grease magnet

I promised you your jobs would be done and ive managed to be able not fullfill my obligation.
Through no fault of theirs i had my self in a bit of a pickle with time comitments due to work/home life.

On the upside. I have your tube packaged and on its way to the posty Zilog. And grease magnet. I hope to have your bit “black” and on its way by the end of the week sir.

I’m sure there are others ive let down.
If i “owe” you work. Please let me know.
I dont make notes but rely on my pm’s to keep track of jobs and get in a reall mess trying to remember them..
To all. Sorry.
😳 😥


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No complaints form me Sean. I am looking at it now and am over the moon with the work you have done for me 🙂 I am really happy thank You.

PS, you have a PM as I have confused my self 😳

It’s too cold for him in the shed.
I’ll get me ol’ mam to knit him a jumper.
Good job all Vikin’s weren’t as whimpy as this’n.

what ever happened to lang anyways?

Been there, done that. Part of working for your self. Some times everythng just comes together wrong. Feels like being pulled in all directions!


But he’ll get my “pimp” hand if he ever starts.
Al give him the “hairy side”

You dont owe Lang any work do you?

No way I’m loaning you my Mag Drill. 😛 😛 😛 😆 😆 😆

Just kidding Sean! You are AOK in my book.


I’d rather have a cuppa tea these days. 😕

quote Yellow Ninja:


people will always be lined up for your bits.

Thats what she said.

DAMN! Quick draw McGraw!


people will always be lined up for your bits.

Thats what she said.

Sean, as long as you keep doing the level of quality you’ve become known for, I think people will always be lined up for your bits. Keep up the good work.

Keeping things organized can be frustrating.

I use Excell spread sheet. I don’t know how to use it as a spread sheet but what it does do is allow me to Make a list of what is being made and who ordered it and paid for it.

You can make a lot of lists for projects on the same page so can see what is still to be done.

Just a thought.

wll we pmed back an forth over a blod valve and a shroud u were making me
never got it 😯

j/k man lol
anyways way to man up and tell people whats what on
some would have ran off and left the guys hanging
shit happens people get backed up
i am sure these guys understand

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