
Upgrading from Webley Patriot

Hi guys, I’m new here and wanted to introduce myself. I hunt feral jungle roosters in Hawaii, and I’ve found that my Webley Patriot .25 isn’t powerful enough to put ’em down for the count unless you hit ’em in the head, which is damn near impossible with a Webley at 30 yards. I’m looking to get a Condor in . 25 and figure I need at least 50 fpe (the Webley has 29 fpe). However, over-all length and noise suppression are big concerns. Here are a couple of newbie questions: How many inches long will a shrouded Condor be WITH THE AIR BOTTLE DETACHED? Could I get 50 fpe with an 18″ barrel or should I go 24″? How much is this rig going to cost me new from a tuner like Tony? (and I need the whole rig including the hand pump) Does anybody on this board sell used, tuned Condors that would fit my needs for a not too long, jungle hunting rifle? Norgeiron

Airforce Rifles/Pistols

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damid1 Yeah, they’re usually along roads or in parks where you can’t get off a shot. I see ’em all the time along the Pali Highway, and there are tons up in Manoa by Paradise Park, but you can’t hunt those. I found a few rare spots on the Windward side and I’m always looking for more areas.

Nebraska Good advice–I’ll contact him. Could you give me a ballpark figure for what kind of fpe a tuned Condor with an 18″ barrel would generate?

Norgeiron what you need to do is call or E-Mail Tony. You will find him very helpful, I know that he has made a .25 Condor With a 18 in. barrel and with a shroud that only added 6 in. So that would make it the same as when I have used Lizzy with her shroud off. Not sure of over all length but I found her to be very easy to handle while going through thick cover at night while hunting coons. Good luck and sure would like to see some hunting pic’s of willed chickens in Honolulu. 😀 😀

I live in Honolulu, have both a Condor and Talon SS. I have seen lots of wild chicken but never seen them in an area that I felt it was ok to shoot.

Thanks, Adam. Well, now I have concete evidence that I need a Condor instead of this Webley Patriot .25. Out hunting this afternoon, I spotted two feral hens at about 50 yards and took a shot with a Kodiak. Missed ’em. I’m not a bad shot—I was on my high school rifle team—but 50 yards is too long of a shot for a Webley. Then I went to another spot, an abandoned plant nursery, and I got into a nest of wild roosters and hens who were up in the trees, above the shade cloth. It being about 5:30 pm., they were moving into roosting positions. Well, they spotted me and were clucking like hell and moving around, but they couldn’t see me very well becasue I was wearing green and there was a lot of leaves and deadfall on top of the old shade cloth. and I had to cut the shade cloth overhead to poke the rifle barrel and scope through, but I got off a shot or two and I’m sure I hit one with a 31 grain Kodiak, but he didn’t fall out of the tree. Instead, he flew down and sort of ran off into the jungle where I couldn’t find him. Anyway, to make a long story short, this proves to me that I need to upgrade to PCP power for this kind of hunting.


Our very own Dirty Harry aka Roy is out your way. I am sure he will chime in and tell you whats up. He has the very set up you are looking for.

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