
Turkish Patriots?

Anyone have it? How different are they compare to British ones? My concern is accuracy. What is your experience? I am looking for something that “bangs” hard with iron sights. I see pyramyd has them for $423 with 3 years warranty…it sucks they don’t offer left handed stocks though.

also…I wonder if RWS350 is just as powerfull?


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quote Yellow Ninja:

quote rob3dr:

I have about $450 in it.

Gotcha beat !

Yes, ass… you got me beat. 😆

I cant complain. I’ve had my fair share of good fortune and kind gestures from other airgunners as well. It’s a great hobby to be into where folks will help one another out in such ways.

quote rob3dr:

I have about $450 in it.

Gotcha beat !

Considering the rising cost of all the Euro airguns, I’d venture a guess in the $700 range…

I was at Airguns of Arizona a few weeks ago and saw firsthand a Turkish Patriot. Personally, I wouldnt give $150 for it. Quality was shit, bluing was sub par… just not the Patriot/Kodiak of old. This particular gun (NEW) had about 1/16 of play on the barrel block. Right out of the box.

Certainly not something I’d spend my cash on.

Keep your eyes open on the classifieds. I’ve seen used Patriots go for around $500 recently. I picked up a used Kodiak in .25 for $300… cosmetically, it was great. Had an issue where it wouldnt cock. I sent it to David Slade for a ram install and to fix the issue. Turned out to be a bent cocking arm. Bottom line is now I have a Kodiak in near perfect condition with a David Slade ram install …and I have about $450 in it. There are deals out there, just got to look for them and keep a fast finger on the keyboard when they come up.

In theory, if Brits decide to make Patriots again, how much would they be I wonder?

I have an English Patriot and I have a friend over on
the coast that has a Turkish Patriot. Last time that he
was over we compared them side by side and the English
version was of better quality inside and out, it had a way
smoother dischage cycle and was a lot easier for both of
us to be accurate with. Hands down, the English gun won.
After that I can see why Beeman will not carry the
Patriot anymore.

Thanks Rob, great post.
Quality comes first, I agree.

You know I have to jump in here…

I have a Rammed Patriot in .22… it’s pushing 26fpe and is extremely accurate. I can post 5 shot groups at 50 yards around the size of a quarter all day long and have had groups as small as a dime, but you have to understand that I shoot a lot of springers. I’m no expert shot by any means, but I do have the technique to shoot springers well.

I also have a Kodiak in .25 that is currently with David Slade for a ram conversion and some work. Since Webley sold out to Turkey, Beeman discontinued the Kodiak branded Patriot and as such, they are becoming harder to find so $500 for one used is not unreasonable.

Cyg is 10000% correct in that with springers, quality must come first…otherwise, one will likely just get frustrated.

Forget about the RWS350. It’s a 20fpe gun that I found to be very hold sensitive and very unbalanced.

The Turkish Patriots might be just fine, as might be the Falcon Hunter. I dont know….but from the sounds of it, you want a reasonably powered .22 for plinking and perhaps some hunting. Sounds like a perfect job for an R1.

While the HW97 and TX200 both come in .22, I prefer them in .177. My TX200 in .177 is far easier to shoot well than my Tx200 in .22. Both are tuned, but the .177 is more consistent for me. If you are willing to go .177, then the TX200, HW97, R9, and others like it could be at the top of your list.

As Cyg mentioned, the B26-2 can also be a good option. I have one in .22 that I tuned and put an R9 stock on. Until you see the ‘B-26-2’ label, you’d never know it was a BAM, both in feel, operation, and accuracy. But..the Chinese guns are always a crapshoot and some just simply are not up to par and no amount of tuning will help. Also, keep in mind that the B-26 comes in two variants. The -2…while really cool looking with the thumbhole stock, will need some work to the stock to make it acceptable ergonomically.

I’d really think about the R1 if I were you, or an R9 in .22 if you can find them. Dont worry about the ability to Ram one. A good tune kit will make it just as smooth as a rammed gun. The only real difference being that the rammed gun can remain cocked indefinitely and not lose power. I’ve got rams and I’ve got tuned guns. A good tuned gun will be just as smooth as a ram.

I bought an Accu-Air from Sportsmans Guide in .177, made in Turkey.
.177 pellets fell thru the barrel and I didn’t have any .20 cal pellets so I jammed .22 HP RWSs ,kinda loud,didn’t group
Should have kept it. would have been a good black rifle if I ever needed to hand one in.
Hopefully they aren’t made in the same plant.

What should a Beeman Kodiak used sell for? I looked at one at Collectors Firearms a while back. The wanted over $500.00 for it. No scope.

I was just cruising the Pyramid Air site and I see the Turkish made Patriots are now being offered with walnut stock and gas rams.

Thanks YN and Cygnus,

What I am looking for is a decent springer in .22 to shoot with iron sights. I already have TX200 and yes, it is very accurate: 1″ at 50 yards and one hole at 25 which is PCP kind of accuracy. BUT, it doesn’t come with open sights.

Patriot on the other hand has the capability to be turned into a gas ram at a later time, and also has a 3 years of warranty.

What else is out there? Don’t really care about Gamo, Daisy, Remington, and other junk.

instead of focusing on power from springers….go for quality

hw97k and tx200 are the pinnacle of springers and you wont go wrong with one of them…doesnt have to be a new one…they are built like tanks and will last forever with some care…and even if they have been owned by a moron, you can still get a cheap tunekit for them, with new springs and piston…and your all set to go

but yes they are twice the price…..og the hatsan and gamos

i must say the patriot that YN has reminds me of my old eliminator….bith have gasram…and the twang free quick lock time firing is very cool…and the power is tempting…but alot of patriot owners have detuned their guns a bit…if memmory serves me correct YN’s is set around 20 fpe ?

in a springer focus on smooth firing and accuracy….with a hatsan or gamo, you will struggle with harsch firing, crappy trigger for the intere lifespan of the rifle….with a tx200 and hw97k, you get a weaker rifle…but you’ll be able to take those headshots on squirrels 40-50y out….SQ dont care if you shoot them in the head with 16 fpe or 26…its all good 😈

if you dont want to spend that kind of money…get a BAM Springer…the b26 -2 is supposedly a very good rifle and just 140 bucks, some of the clones are perfect copies, so you can get tune kits for them….for 250 you can get the b40 a tx200 clone….and is supposed to be very close to the 80-90% the quality of the tx200…


According to a post on the YF within the past 2 weeks or so someone said internally they are the same qualty as the British Webleys, externally their blueing isnt as good, but strictly aesthetic difference.

I have a British Patriot and love it. If you get a Turkish one and decide to sell it, then I’m sure the price wont be as good as a German or English gun in the same price range. For anything over $400 I’d get an HW or AA springer.

how can anyone say hatsan is a good gun….they are the lowest of the lowest…they do make a shitload of power….while it lasts

if you wanna buy crap get a Gamo at least you can use that for something….Hatsan is just a waste of money

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