
Tri-rail question!

Hi! I need some help with my tri-rail…

Tried to save a few bucks and didn´t buy a tri-rail from my regular supplier. Got a “better” deal and here´s my question…

Are your tri-rails like mine?

On AF website it looks a little different (but the pic is too small).
And this thing is really heavy! And the top rail is not flat… it´s higher on one edge…
May I have bought a “fake” tri-rail???

Well… anyway, I don’t think I´ll use it because I got high rings and it´s getting too high. I´ll shoot from 10m to 20m, I guess it would be too hight if I use a tri-rail and high mounts…


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I guess I was expecting it to be better than it is… not so well-built like the gun!

The tri-rail on the cover (and inside) of AF´s catalog seems differente… the screws are deeper, there´s a groove surrounding the screws and the bottom groove is not rounded…

I got mine from an airforce dealer and your looks just like mine, including the rounded rail groove on the bottom. Mine is also heavy, but I don’t have a uneven top rail, though.

Hi! Thanks for your answer!

I want to know if mine is fake or not. I`ve seen chinese tri-rails on eBay that looks a lot like AF (and mine).

I’m suspecting that mine is fake not just because the weight… the screws are not in a standard size (I don’t have the right size in my B-Square gunsmith toolbox) and the groove is round (like in the pic), not flat…

It should be fairly heavy although the real ones are made of aluminum. The top not being flat sounds like an issue though (. They really beef up the frame though.

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