
Tri Rail issue

I liked the concept of the tri rail but the two rails I have gotten are such that the scope runs out of left correction without using shims in the scope rings where it clamps to the rail. The scope is misaligned leaning left of center. I guess what i am trying to say is that the scope mounts pointing slightly left of center. I concluded this was the problem buy eyeballing with a laser level I have tried two different scopes each with the same problem. Scope mounts ok on the regular gun rail. I have no problem shimming for elevation but shimming for the lateral is a real pain. I don;t feel like buying adjustable mounts. I use the side rail for a light. a laser on the upper accessory rail and the bipod on the bottom take up the other rails. Anyone else have problems and how did you solve them. I also don’t like spending for shipping back and forth. Vendor suggested sending the gun back but the gun is not the problem.

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There ‘s a thought. Blister pack is a good idea.The next one won’t be recycled. I measured (caliper) stuff I had laying around and found the film was .05. The Al I used is .13 as I recall. I also tried the plastic from TV dinners but it was thinner than I expected.

You can make decent shims from a blister pack.
The sealed packaging that every store uses now.
You can even use the packaging that your trirail came in.

I flipped the rings etc. Used a different set and changed scopes to the point where it was tiring and then I decided to shim. I shimmed the front ring on the tri rail with aluminum strip from a pellet tin. I did not get good results trying to shim the rail with aluminum. I guess I need to chew up a roll of film. I did not have any scrap film at the house when I started this project. For the vertical I used the aluminum under the tri rail. This is the second rail which essentially has the same problem.

John; As Yellow Ninga (Y) stated; try using plastic film. I used transparancy plastic (for presentations) to line the base of the bottom of my back scope base to give me enough play in the scope to adjust so I could hit my target. AKULA

I had the same issues… as have others (sixgunsal had the same problem plus others I cant remember).

My problem wasnt bad enough that I can out of adjustment, but I certainly came close.

negative film as a shim on the tri rail where it clamps to the gun will fix it.

Yeah, I would try the rings. Dont flip them, move the front ring to the back position and the back to the front, but dont turn them at all. If its the rings then the POI will shift to the other side from whatever it is now.

Next suspect would be the rings/mounts. Try flipping them.

When you flip it the angles stay the same. The top rail maintains its orientation. The problem is the same suggesting that the dovetail on top is machined wrong.

when you fipped the trirail around did you run out of Right correction?

Did all that more than once.

Try a couple of experiments to confirm your thoughts.

1. Flip the tri rail around and see if you run out of adjustment on the other side.

2. Flip the mounts around and see what happens.

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