Top Hat Fell Out
New to forum first post.
Have enjoyed reading all the great posts, and bought a new TalonSS C02.
Have been shooting it since it came in on the 12th Apr 2008. Been running all different pellets I had on hand through it, scope was backordered so been shooting with open sites, at first was sceptical about them, but they dailed in and have been shooting great.
But to the problem, I just had been shooting the day before and shot about 100 rounds through it, and today when I just had to shoot it some more, when I cocked it the top hat fell out, I thought oh know it broke, but after looking at it, nothing seemed broken so I atempted to just put it back in. It went in fine and with just a little pressure when all the way in like before, and it seemed to shoot fine again.
My question is this alright, or is somthing missing, it is shooting fine and everything is OK ? OK to shoot and just pay attention that it is in place.
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Glue/epoxy is used in some mostly newer ones. The older ones had no adhesive used. The end of the stem which fits into the delrin valve seat is knurled. It is easy to press the stem back in, you may need to use a table top to seat it properly. It shouldn’t be slipping out and if it happens regularly i’d send it back to AF. The brass stem guide could be mis shapen, its the only thing i can think of that would cause this problem.