
Too slow, too long!!

Come on, guys, my beard grows an inch for every post I try to open :-)! Tron, I know you said it’s a server issue, but either ream someone or find another server. I have high speed for a reason, I have no patience, and I can presently check in on 4 other forums in the same time it takes for this one to load. Will keep checking in, but won’t be logging in until it’s fixed. Later.


PS I know no one cares if I log in or not, but it’s fun to bitch some times :-)!

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FANTASTIC!! Thanks guys for getting this up and going again.

!!!!It’s ALIVE!!!!

Have the masters of TAG finaly got the site upto speed 😀 , or is it just me hitting a quiet time hehe , want to post but its been to dam slow or everyones on a crap thread that serves no one ! 🙁 . I love 4mb broadband ……i dont like 56k at all…… L8r all

quote TeflonTron:


No worries Jimbo: I knew that it wasn’t the Banner, but thought that I’d swop them over just so that you can see. The Hosts are sticking to their guns that the slowness is just general server load and that the ping times for the TAG are within acceptable boundaries and compare to what they have always been. I’m sticking to my guns in turn by saying that this is a bunch of hogwash.

Get Em’ Tron…… 🙂 It sucks to not be able to physically fix something yourself, I’ve been there before.

The size of the webpage has nothing to do with the response time.

When you click on a link, it sends a request to the server. At this time you will see on your status bar, “waiting for talonairguns.com…”. It will keep saying this until the server responds and starts sending the information you requested back to you. Once the page is starting to load, it pops right up.

If the size of the content was making a difference, you would see the next page starting to open almost immediately, but you would be waiting for the content to load.

The conversations between your computer and the server are much like two-way radio. The server will “hear” you ask it for something, then the server will respond as quickly as possible and call you back with the content. Once in a while the server is busy, down, or has been screwed up by the “staff” who own it. I am suspecting they messed with it, screwed it up and now do not want to admit it.

The problem is definitely server oriented right now, but its being fixed so hold tight.

I am computer stupid, but are you fellows that know this stuff, sure that the moving pellet in the banner doesn’t have anythng to do with the slow down?
I have cable warp speed or some such thing, and I didn’t think I was ever going to get in this time.

quote :

If there is parinoia….you own it.

Hey, you posted the idea and I shot it down. Dont slough that one off on me. You’ve already bought and paid for it 😀

Shadoh; No one wants what happend to the TOG to occur on this site. If there is parinoia….you own it. I’ve trust in our overlords. AKULA

quote :

I don’t believe any of wish to see this site go the way of the TOG.

Lol, where did that come from? I dont think anyone even remotely thinks that. Something like a slow server would have been the very last straw for many folks on the old TOG. Here, we are so happy with the site that even though its running slow as hell we still sit here and wait for pages to refresh rather than just moving on.

Traffic is down but folks are still posting and replying.

Gents; Our overlords will cure this problem. Have no fear. Give them time. I don’t believe any of wish to see this site go the way of the TOG. Bear with the best and they will do the right thing. AKULA

I demand a refund/credit on my account!

Does this happen to anyone else ?

Even more frustrating than waiting for the site to open up is having to log-in every time.

Ever since the site has had the slow problems, when I click on the site to enter, it will forget my login information and I have to login everytime.

if ya dont get any luck with the new host let me know what your after and ill sort you a good deal 😉

I am on the phone now with a new hosting company.


No worries Jimbo: I knew that it wasn’t the Banner, but thought that I’d swop them over just so that you can see. The Hosts are sticking to their guns that the slowness is just general server load and that the ping times for the TAG are within acceptable boundaries and compare to what they have always been. I’m sticking to my guns in turn by saying that this is a bunch of hogwash.

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