Is it gone for good now? I get a page cannot be found thing when I try and go there.
Does that mean we won? 😛
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Adam; It’s not the lenght but the breadth of life that makes a life worth living and relating. David Lee Roth said it best. He said “Some people burn the candle at both ends. I use a blow torch.” Then again, that guy looks like hell these days. AKULA

A buddy and I decided to take a dive trip to the Florida Keys while we waited for the Navy to transfer us. My buddy and I hired a dive boat in Key Largo and we cast off for a day of underwater fun. After setting up our gear we broke out the beer. The Captain of the dive boat yelled at us and told us we couldn’t drink beer aboard his ship. I threw him a six pack and that was the end of that discussion.
After a day of diving the Captian asked my buddy and me to join him at a local dive….bar. He got totally shit faced on our nickel. A couple of cuties, no Shamus these, walked into the place. The Captain got off from his bar stool, unzipped his pants, pulled out his member and then walked backwards past the girls and out of the bar. This was pretty puzzling to me. What the hell was he doing?
He strolled back in a little later and sat back at the bar with us. He’d zipped up by then…thank god. I just had to ask him what that little exhibition was all about. He said “Trollin’ boys, only trollin’….and I didn’t even get a bite!” What a salty bastard that guy was!
The moral of this tale from my past? Sometimes you just have to know what the hell is going on and it’s best to ask a stupid question. Sometimes you get an amazing story, sometimes you don’t.
So is Shamu’s member prehensile? I’d still like to know. AKULA
Now that is a great story. If he had a set of Corvette keys in his fly I am sure they he would have gotten a bite.
Adam; That reminds me of a story from my past. I was finished with Navy flight training in the summer of 1982 and I had to wait to go to my first squadron until after the new fiscal year. That’s October 1st every year. In the mean time the Navy didn’t know what to do with me so I just hung around Pensacola. Strip bars were high on my list to frequent. But that’s another tale.
A buddy and I decided to take a dive trip to the Florida Keys while we waited for the Navy to transfer us. My buddy and I hired a dive boat in Key Largo and we cast off for a day of underwater fun. After setting up our gear we broke out the beer. The Captain of the dive boat yelled at us and told us we couldn’t drink beer aboard his ship. I threw him a six pack and that was the end of that discussion.
After a day of diving the Captian asked my buddy and me to join him at a local dive….bar. He got totally shit faced on our nickel. A couple of cuties, no Shamus these, walked into the place. The Captain got off from his bar stool, unzipped his pants, pulled out his member and then walked backwards past the girls and out of the bar. This was pretty puzzling to me. What the hell was he doing?
He strolled back in a little later and sat back at the bar with us. He’d zipped up by then…thank god. I just had to ask him what that little exhibition was all about. He said “Trollin’ boys, only trollin’….and I didn’t even get a bite!” What a salty bastard that guy was!
The moral of this tale from my past? Sometimes you just have to know what the hell is going on and it’s best to ask a stupid question. Sometimes you get an amazing story, sometimes you don’t.
So is Shamu’s member prehensile? I’d still like to know. AKULA

I know why….your looking for a date 😆
Adam; I don’t know why but I have to ask. Is Shamu’s monster tool prehensile? You’d be the only one to know. AKULA

Well its not like he has hands or anything 😯
😆 😆 . But its you wispering in his ear that got him all excited like that. 😆 😆 AND you had to touch it didn’t you, nasty.

Just how long did it take you to Free Willie? 😆 😆
It only took a minute. All I have to do is whisper “Roy and Clint are here” and its like he took a bottle of Viagra! 😆 😆 😆 😆
Dam that was good, DH 😀
Sheez Adam……… you never told us you worked at Sea World. 😆 😆
Just how long did it take you to Free Willie? 😆 😆

Sorry man…..Love prevails. Pops says Hay!
Adam; That’s just disgusting. I don’t mind you sleeping with my mother. That’s not it at all. But I didn’t know you were into well aged CELLULITE! It’s her major asset at 83 years of age….as you well know….and are obviously attracted to. Say hello to my dad for me. I’m sure he’s cool with you sleeping with her. It will get him off the hook for a while.
Each to their own I say. But the thought of it has me wondering about swearing off sex until the image isn’t burned into my memory any longer. AKULA

When I rolled over in bed this morning and told your mom what you said got a good laugh. 😛
Adam; I’m calling your mother and telling her you visit cetation, homosexual porn sites. She’ll be so disappointed with her little boy. I know my mother was. AKULA
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Yeah…. Roth does look like shit. No doubt. But he was the heart and soul of Van Halen. Once Roth left…….I stopped listening. Sammy & Co. never did it for me. I think their best album was VH II. That song DOA just kicks ass!!