
TOG is alive !!!!

I just logged in and there it was……

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quote dnc:

Looks like he took down his message. Did he change his mind?

Only medication changes his mind….He put his little message up again 🙄

Funny how he neglects to mention he shut down the TOG for good a week ago with out notice and that is what initiated people to down load information if he ever opened it up again. But with Don he always claims he is getting picked on and is a victim. 🙄

Looks like he took down his message. Did he change his mind?

quote Marc:

Hey Guys,

I like to get something off my liver. As far as I understand it, the guy (Don) paid quiete an amount of money for the site. Although he asked for rules that were not functional with the folks that were visiting he did actually pay for it. I can imagine him getting pissed for people not abiding his laws.

Just wanted to say.. Although I don’t agree with his methods I can understand them a bit……………



Marc you have a point. When Don took over the site he made several posts saying that everyone would be treated with respect, that the TOG would be a place you could speak your mind without reprisal. He wanted all members to give input and have a say how the TOG was run. Well, when it came down to it. He broke all his own rules. He publicly tried to ruin Anthony266 reputation, he went on swearing tirades at members who gave opposing opinions. He has the rights to make his own rules and even break them if he choses and that is why everybody left. Now he did buy the TOG Domain name but he did not purchase the members or their posts. People can at anytime download information from that site as they can from this site if they choose. We want the information we put on there for public viewing to remain public.

Remember Don shut down the TOG and shut it off forever several days ago without warning. Nothing happened to cause him to do that. He chose to do it as a power play. When a few days had passed and he decided to open up the TOG again ,going against what he had first posted, people got on while they could and got what information they could before Don closed it again. True to form he closed it again….remember he closed it several day ago before any of this happened. He is claiming downloading is the reason he is closing it. But we know that is not truthful because he had closed it down permanently days before without reason.

Don may not like what people are doing but it has become very obvious nothing makes Don happy other then Bullying people around. All it takes is people to stand their ground to take away the power from people like Don for good things to happen.

money paid for the site or not

you cant buy friends

just sad that so much info was lost on what seems to be a childish whim

Hey Guys,

I like to get something off my liver. As far as I understand it, the guy (Don) paid quiete an amount of money for the site. Although he asked for rules that were not functional with the folks that were visiting he did actually pay for it. I can imagine him getting pissed for people not abiding his laws.

Just wanted to say.. Although I don’t agree with his methods I can understand them a bit……………



Wow! This guy, Don, reminds me of another historical figure who wanted information suppressed. In his time, the effective method was burning books. What was his name? Oh, that’s right, Adolf Hitler!

He wanted advertisers but never got any. At least I remember him saying he would like the site to be profitable. Who would want to advertise there with all that going on?

I just thought of something very funny. The only one Don is really hurting out of all this is himself. Everyone else who was on that forum still has an outlet to say what they want, the TAG! He cant keep posting his little messages without looking like a fool and he wont post here out of shame or pride, you pick which one.

The best thing he could do for himself and everyone is to just say “hey, I fooked up” and unlock the site and then never post there again on an administrative level. He just doesnt have the self restraint or temperament to govern an open forum. He also cant pick moderators that have a huge history of pissing folks off.

Did TOG have any advertisers?

If so, I wonder if they know the site has been closed?

If someone paid for ad space and now does not have that space, TOG maybe shut down illegally.

Selling ad space and them not providing that space looks like fraud, IMHO.

I wonder if

Donald THOMPSON (precision_air@yahoo.com)
Fax: 1.11
HCR 1 BOX 5315
KEAAU, HI 96749

understands that?

Roy S.

The idea of making TOG a moral high ground was far fetched from the beginning. Nobody on the site wanted that. They didn’t want the strict rules he was imposing. Its too bad that it had to come to this. It would be nice if Don would open up the tog as an archive. Even better if he would restore the data to before the mass account deletion.

The way that I see it is that Don thought that by deleting certain people and promoting the TOG as the “Moral High Ground” Forum and us as the scum that people would warm to him and stick by him. However, all that happened is that people realised what a fruit he was and left. Then, when he realised that it was just him, Denskin and BenP he took his toys and went home. The irony, of course, is that all of the old Toggers are here along with some great new guys and we are having a ball. As the Admin here, and the guy who does all of the background stuff, I am overjoyed that I have not had to edit a single post, delete anything, warn anyone or ban anyone. Why? Because everyone here has mutual respect. The respect that we are all here to learn, that we are all different and that we can all get along. As for the archives on the TOG, they do not belong to Don, but rather to all of the people who wish to learn and share their knowledge. Trying to hold information hostage is like King Canute trying to hold back the tide, as neither work. Information is free, and the TAF is free and that’s no coincidence.

Just so Don is not confused let me say this.

Everyone one at Talonairgun.com wants the TOG to remain open. None of us wants it closed. We have posted a lot of information on the TOG long before you came and still want it available to the public. We use the TOG as an ARCHIVE for information from the past and this new sight for current up to date information. So maybe you will find it in your heart to open up the TOG and make it available to the public to look up information of years gone by.

So if you are not going to make the TOG archive available you can at least post a link to talonairgun.com so people can get some help for their Airforce guns and get the current cutting edge information.

Put this drama behind you I am sure you have better things to do in your life then babysit your dead forum.

He still does not get it. He deletes information on a whim and shuts down and locks out thousands of people with out notice saying the TOG is closed and will remain so holding all the information they contributed over the years hostage. So yes, as soon as it opened up again for a few hours people downloaded information so he no longer has sole control of it. Then he shuts it down again claiming we are to blame by trying to save the information from dissapearing.

Since people stopped going to his forum because of his actions he no longer can threaten them, delete them, ban them or chastise and humiliate them. Because people are not willing to put up with his abuse he rather destroy the forum then let anyone use it.

If Don happiness is based upon him abusing TOG members, well then he is not going to be happy. No one has to put up with that kind of abuse and that is why we started this forum. This is the kind of attitude and abuse we were dealing with when we decided to split from the TOG and start this forum.

Don took over the TOG in June 2007 and killed it by December 2007. That has to be a new record or something. I wonder if there is some kind of reward for killing a successful world renowned airgun site in such a short time….oh wait there is one.

Something is very funny, I just went to TOG and this is what is shown on the home page.

Talon Owners Group
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December 8, 2007

TOG Menu
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For those of you that care, there was a particular forum who’s administration put out a call for everyone to come onto TOG to download/copy our files as they must have felt they had to “save that information”. Well TOG is now CLOSED to everyone thanks to their behavior. Let me make this clear, that no one was banned today because they are members of any particular forum.

Those IP addresses banned, were found in the “guest” section which showed them being in the forums as not being “registered” members. (That’s correct, no names were observed only IP addresses.) A majority of the forums on the internet “delete” unfavorable content and even ban trouble makers. TOG was no different….except TOG was judged using a double standard.

As is usually the case the majority will now suffer because of the actions of a few.

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It shows me logged in, but before it said I was banned. Guess I was a visitor all along.

When he says “As is usually the case the majority will now suffer because of the actions of a few.”, he should have said because of the one, HIM.

If he was a man, he would offer the content to anyone that wants to download it. If he doesn’t do that, then he is just taking his ball and bat home. Lonely people do strange things.

Roy S.

Don, I liked reading the TOG until you started kicking people off. I did not know at the time what was going on or who to believe. Actions speak louder than words. Your Actions show your true colors. All the TOGS secrets are already here. They started the TAG.

quote :


For those of you that care, there was a particular forum who’s administration put out a call for everyone to come onto TOG to download/copy our files as they must have felt they had to “save that information”. Well TOG is now CLOSED to everyone thanks to their behavior. Let me make this clear, that no one was banned today because they are members of any particular forum.

Those IP addresses banned, were found in the “guest” section which showed them being in the forums as not being “registered” members. (That’s correct, no names were observed only IP addresses.) A majority of the forums on the internet “delete” unfavorable content and even ban trouble makers. TOG was no different….except TOG was judged using a double standard.

As is usually the case the majority will now suffer because of the actions of a few.

Damn, you are just stewing over this arent you? How many times are you going to change your little message? Its almost like you spend more time reading this forum than you did your own. Tell me, did you register and use the name Dragon when you were “browsing” this forum? I sure dont remember ever seeing your name on the “online” list and I come here allot. Youve called out ex members before for not being a man and registering under their known user names. Well, keep comming here bud, its a good site isnt it? Even if you did register as Dragon you wouldnt get the same treatment as you give your own members.

One more thing and please try to get it right. The TOG is down because of your behavior. Nobody else had the power to shut it down. Andrew put up with a ton more crap than you ever dreamed of and somehow managed to keep his finger off the red button. Stop blaming others for your own behavior/actions.

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