
Those with a stock Talon SS

Awaiting the arrival of mine, just curious from those with a stock SS in .22 cal, with a full 200bar fill, how many shots till refill with the gun dialed to max and dialed to minimum pressure settings ?

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From what I gather, it was posted here in good faith, someone who is also a member of the TOG read it and it got back to Denskin, who then started a crusade to insinuate that the original poster was less than truthful in his claims.

Coming from the UK where there is a 12fpe limit I really don’t see these claims as being unreasonable. Unusual for sure, but at low power the Talon is barely even ticking over, and as was said, the PW was being cranked up to compensate.

quote rob3dr:

quote :

Jim, did you post this over at the TOG?

I dont think he had to…. someone found it and attempted to call him out on it. 👿

I looked for it and couldn’t find it, till i saw it here.


Now I have seen it all… 😆

quote :

Jim, did you post this over at the TOG?

I dont think he had to…. someone found it and attempted to call him out on it. 👿

quote Blackops:

Low/lowest power plinking cans in 12″ barrell in .22 I was getting around 300-350 shots before the power was really low…I had to make POI adjustments gradually and turn up the power wheel but as long as I could hit the cans at 40-50 yards I was happy. Cranked to full power it was kinda scary as it cracks a little the pellet blows through the can blowing up some dirt/rocks and the goes whirring off into the woods…huge contrast to the little puff it makes on the lowest power…oh yea I had baffles in mine…the rest was stock.

Love the SS, Jim.

Jim, did you post this over at the TOG?

quote Triggerman:


Wow, that is impressive that you get 700fps with the dial on 2. If I dial down to 2, I am seeing around the 400fps range, 5 range in the lower 500fps range.

I shoot on the 8 setting with around 780-790fps and good accuracy. Anything above that and accuracy goes wild. Dialed all the way up, about 860fps.

Do you have a set of feeler gauges to set your tophat? The PW is one thing, most these guys have played with the tophat settings trying out different settings. I had my stock TSS set to .067 for good power/consistency. Then i set it at .069 and .071. @ .071 i ended up with the same avg. fps and same fpe only difference was at .071 i had a shot spread of 17.7 and at .067 i had a spread of 8.6 alot of wasted air on the higher setting. I have messed with a couple of TSS and everyone of them had a different tophat setting. The last one was .058 another i believe was .065. See if you can get the tophat set to the guns likeing if you haven’t already. The closer you get it to the base the less air you will waste. There is more you can do but this is a good place to start.

quote :

These are really nice guns, very accurate (always room for even more improvement) and inexpensive to shoot. I have 6 other air guns but never seem to shoot them anymore because the Talon and Condor are too easy and too much fun. Very user friendly.

You nailed it Tom…

Welcome to TAF

I should have mentioned that we are shooting Beeman Kodiaks which I think weigh about 24 or 25 gr. Heavier pellets seem to do better for us at the higher velocities.

I’d certain agree that at 900+fps something like a Crosman Premier might not be as accurate as it would be at velocities in the 750 fps range.

We shoot a bit this afternoon. There is something to the old axiom of “aim small, miss small.” After shooting at 11mm bulleyes (golf target game) at 165 feet, shooting 1 inch suckers (candy, not idiots) was almost too easy. It was as if you couldn’t miss.

These are really nice guns, very accurate (always room for even more improvement) and inexpensive to shoot. I have 6 other air guns but never seem to shoot them anymore because the Talon and Condor are too easy and too much fun. Very user friendly.


Wow, that is impressive that you get 700fps with the dial on 2. If I dial down to 2, I am seeing around the 400fps range, 5 range in the lower 500fps range.

I shoot on the 8 setting with around 780-790fps and good accuracy. Anything above that and accuracy goes wild. Dialed all the way up, about 860fps.

I have two stock Talon SS guns. You can only make use of a power setting of about 5 or 6 with that 12″ barrel – any higher and you’ll just waste air, you won’t gain any more velocity.

With my PW set on 5, which gives me about 930 to 940 fps with Crosman Premiers (14.3gr) I can get a good 35 or 40 shots before I notice a sudden drop in POI. When I refill, my tank appears to be at about 120 to 130 BAR.

I have shot on a power setting of 2, got decent accuracy, velocity in the very low 700’s and was able to get about 75 shots before things went south.

quote Adam in SoCal:


Your welcome. Blackpool would be a great place to visit and they know their stuff.

Blackpool is a pretty big seaside resort town… I was surprised they had a big exposure gun store… Didnt know until I came to the US actually.

All the way on the other side of the country from where I lived…. so about 1 hours drive 😆

Jim… Everyone but Dennis understood what you were doing…

Thanks guys for the heads up and I don’t normally give ANYONE any grief but that nutjob can go blow a goat 😆 oh man what a piece of work…Gamebread and others had his crazy ass pegged A LONG time ago too…I am forbidden from even looking at the TOG when I clicked on the link. I was locked/blocked a couple weeks ago(first time I tried to log in since IRAQ) then I found out Andrew didn’t have the site anymore….I’ve been here ever since…and very happy about it 😀

I won’t/don’t even need to defend my statement to that Troller…to anyone else though shooting cans it doesn’t matter if your shooting 400fps or 1,000 fps if all your wanting to do it hit is over, and over, and over and enjoy an afternoon of shooting on one fill…shoot on PW 0 until you notice POI drop that doesn’t hit the can then dial it up some…repeat until the gun is damn near empty…I know I got over 300 shots because I went through almost 2 tins of pellets shooting cans at 40-60 yards…I have an absolute blast doing that.

Sincerely, Jim.

quote Adam in SoCal:

quote Yellow Ninja:


Apparantly other forums dont have enough going on with them so they feel a need to come here and audit our posts….. Yours seems to have attracted their attention –


I figured you might want to know.

Denskin is a legend in his own mind. He has reported 100 shots at 30fpe and no one has ever been able to replicate…EVER….Not even him! Why has no one been able to replicate it? The answer is simple and obvious.

On the other hand Blackops reports 300 shots as the lowest of power and yet Denskin doubts because he does not believe he could replicate it. Well no one can replicate his findings either.

On the other hand the Gunpower stealth shooting on low power in the U.K. is reported to get 300 shots in .177 and 400 shots in .22 by Black Pool Airguns and many others in the U.K.

Exactly, 100 shots at 30fpe that no one else has ever been able to replicate. No matter how many details were given no one has even come close to those numbers.

Whereas people with HPA in England get 300 shot from their rigs all the time with low fpe.

Look at Blackpool Airguns


“Gunpower Stealth 2000

Shots per charge 320 shots in .177 400 shots in .22”


Your welcome. Blackpool would be a great place to visit and they know their stuff.

quote rob3dr:

Mike…. Let us know how that works out for you…. you know I’m interested 😉

I reckon I’ve got mine ok….now. Not quite as many shots as I’d like, but good velocity on it.

Good to see you around.

Heh, heh,,
Rob, After I saw it you came to mind right away ❗ 😉 You are welcome to give it a whirl anytime ❗

Should add I find the overall subject interesting,, re how many consistent shots can one get at a given fpe with a short or long barrel.. ❓

Often I’ll do the same as mentioned here,, bang out 30-40 power shots and refill. But have fiddled around with low power shots a lot,,, never kept count 😆 😆 My estimate/recollection ~50 shots. Have a habit of keeping the tank pressure up in case I need to fling some power shots at an unwanted hard target.
Course then there is the condor handy so thinking/trying different set ups for the talon with the objective of more shots and consistent shots.

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