
this should make it a bit easier

to fill my talon ss tank:

Got this a couple days ago. Havent had a need to use it yet, though. Hopefully this weekend.

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it says it has an auto shutoff at 210 bar. so if you have a 3000psi tank, you should be good. i think im going to get a 3000psi 80cf scuba tank. should be fine for it.

i would make sweet love to that thing 😛

Holy Crap Bat Man! I Love-it!!!

That’s sweet. Whats the max press. it will go to? Can it fill a large tank like a 88cf tank?

AOA, $1800 or so. not sure why I even got it considering I’ve only used my damn hand pump a couple times. but oh well…maybe i’ll get to use it this weekend if i up the power setting, and blast a bunch of shots off.

i got a monsoon. that thing has a much smaller tank, so i think it’ll be more practical for that guy

😀 Nice!!! Where do you get it ?

Next your going to have a line out the door with a bunch of dudes with tanks saying, com’on man, just one more fill, real quick like, PLEASE!!! 😆


Lucky bastard. LOL

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