
The next big thing in the AirForce world?

It seems that the tuning/modifying of AirForce rifles concentrates on one aspect at a time and then moves on to something else. In this way we have had everyone going crazy about Hammers, their designs, weights and materials, and we have also had nothing but discussion about valves and all of their nuances. At the moment everyone seems to be hung up on .25 but that’s more of a drop-in rather than a huge discussion about various methods to reach certain goals. So, where do we go from here? No valve is perfect and neither is any hammer, so do you think that we will go full-circle and start again with the knowledge we have gained down the years, or is another aspect of these rifles the “next big thing”?

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A reasonably priced thumb hole stock with a swing-out half-mooned length-of-pull section to accommodate the bottle. It would lock into place after you screw down the tank and have an adjustable cheek riser. It would be made of composite and priced around 80-120 USD.

Apart from the complex stuff such as regulated valves, what do you think will be the next wave of things that Modders (not just pros, but regular owners as well) will be looking at? Is a better trigger feasible? I don’t mean removing the safety and filing the current sear, but the design of a whole new trigger unit?

My two wants would be a regulated tank & heavy duty trigger parts, maybe in stainless so the trigger & safety hold up.

Yes, a “pistol” version of the TSS would be very nice indeed. Short barrel and truly compact arrangement (not 24 inch barrel, no offense sirjeigo 😉 ) would be very appealing to me!

quote shrpshotr28:

quote Mr-lama:

I’d definately have to drop down on the weight of the gun to hold it like a pistol. As of right now, I’ve tried to hold it without a tank with one hand, and there’s no way I could aim it. Of course, I do have a 2 pound scope on it, and a 24″ barrel, and a shroud. I guess if you cut down on it then it would be cool.


I think that would be a seller! Shit I would buy one of those.

quote Mr-lama:

I’d definately have to drop down on the weight of the gun to hold it like a pistol. As of right now, I’ve tried to hold it without a tank with one hand, and there’s no way I could aim it. Of course, I do have a 2 pound scope on it, and a 24″ barrel, and a shroud. I guess if you cut down on it then it would be cool.


I’d definately have to drop down on the weight of the gun to hold it like a pistol. As of right now, I’ve tried to hold it without a tank with one hand, and there’s no way I could aim it. Of course, I do have a 2 pound scope on it, and a 24″ barrel, and a shroud. I guess if you cut down on it then it would be cool.

Can Any body think of how much something like this would cost to develop? I have always thought that a electronic trigger regulated valve like in paint ball be a great advantage. Like take an existing design and mod it for our use?

quote :

It would unzip it’s fly, and gently lay a ten inch on the forehead of all competitors.

quote cboyce:

Nothing new about wanting a regulator for the AF line, We were discussing it years ago on the TOG.

The discussion is not new but some of the developments are. If MCMIKE actually can get a regualtor to market that would be great.

And if we do not keep the idea alive who will?

quote Saugus18:

These are definitly the best 2 new ideas for these guns, [/i]

Nothing new about wanting a regulator for the AF line, We were discussing it years ago on the TOG.

The most hailed ability of Airguns Is their inherent accuracy. And the most annoying aspect of Airforce Airguns is the need for proper tophat adjustment. This makes the gun indefinably adjustable and difficult find that point where x meets y. Right now, if you don’t have a crony, I wouldn’t even recommend a AF to anyone. A regulator bring this gun to the front of the pack.

It would unzip it’s fly, and gently lay a ten inch on the forehead of all competitors.

F@#k a multi shot. Other than for toys, that hasent really proven a benefit for plinker or hunters. With a regulator that allowed a shooter to select low,med,high, a user could spend his time with a pellet sampler and go for it.

How about an Airforce PCP pistol?

How about a airsoft or paint ball barrel with micro meter tank with low output power?

quote WalkonKing:

I think it would be great to have tiny little hooks on the accessory rail so we could hang our kills on it, chipmunks, squirells, mice, rats and crows….

It would be kinda like a charm bracelet on our guns

Better patent that idea! 😆

He should send the first one to CigX to test for him. 😆

A skin stretcher that hooks onto the holes for tanning hides while you hunt!!

Adam, you need to get on this right away man, I see millions being sold as food prices go up and up…!!! 😕

The WOK Squirrel Jerky Accessory… 😆

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