The Hammerli RWS 850’s brother on steroids
Check out the Walther 1250 Dominator, and the price tag 😯 …WOW!!!!!
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i also liked sniper
I bought a brand new FT 1250 Dominator kit about 6 months ago from Airgun Depot….Paid the same price as is liste for the one that’s shown.
Gun has some good points, but has, IMHO, many MORE bad points, I’ll start with the bad-..First of all, it is HEAVY..the scope with mount(comes installed) weighs 2 .5 lbs 😯 😯 It is also VERY long and with the solid steel air reservoir is VERY front-end heavy. The removable portion of the fore-arm attaching point is very poor..mine came loose within about 3-4 days. The trigger is HORRIBLE..there is a mod that helps it consdierably, but still leaves a WHOLE LOT to be desired..No one I’m aware of has any sort of kit for trigger, so the home-mod is all that can be done to it. Naturally, as with all maunfacturers, they LIE about performance..mine DID NOT get 100 usable shots, which BTW was .22 caliber. You POSITIVELY have to have 88 cu.ft SCBA tank to take advantage of 300 bar fill.. I settled for 3750psi start pressure on mine usually.
On the plus side, the scope( though heavy) was TOTALLY awesome–very clear and very powerful, 8-32 X 56. The included bi-pod had very quick dis-connect , and was the “tilt” version..Could get it set-up for any slope/grade in terrain!! Bi-pod VERY heavy duty 😀 . Gun come with built in regulator which is VERY easily acceptable..mine worked from full-fill 4350psi, all the way down to 1750psi..Got 75 good usable shots using the 15.9 JSB’s. Gun was VERY accurate (even with horrible trigger) at least out to 50 yards, never tested it any longer distance. With a good trigger it would shoot laser-straight, no joking. Cocked smoothly, even when brand new, got even better with a little use. Spare magazines are WAY CHEAP..like $16.00 for a 2-pack IIRC..never had any problems with cocking or magazines. The LONG MB from Rich quitetened the gun down to a very acceptable back-yard friendly level. 😎 😎
Comes in a helluva HEAVY DUTY plastic shipping case, which was very nice touch, IMO. NO WAY it could get damaged in that thing..
SOOOOO, that’s my opinion I sold the scope 2 weeks later for $175.00, so I only had $525.00 in the gun 😀 Then I traded it straight-up for a BNIB .22 caliber, FAC, AA S410 carbine AND a custom made skeletonized TH stock from Peter at TopGun Air-Guns… I tried to like the gun, I really did…but after those 2 weeks I realized I not only dis-liked it—I hated it..but since getting the Air Arms gun, guess who’s been happy ever since 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Note: I had the opportunity to buy an 850 just like the one that ralphtonka mentions in his post..but like a dummy, I fell for the advertising lies and bought the 1250..IMO you’d be MUCH better getting an 850 and modifying it like Bob did!!! (And save money too)
Beleive it or not, this is a 3000 psi fill (co2 850 converted to hpa), 68 34fpe shots w 18-28 gr ammo. Originaly converted by rsterne on the caf.
man thats a shit load of shots! Don’t those get filled to 4500psi???
Nice gun I like it and good power you are getting at the 1670psi reg. very good job.
Regg’d @ 1670psi(ninja), .22, 68 shots over 30ftlb’s before falling of the reg, from 3000-1600psi
Would this change your mind about the value?
You get a good scope, bipod, compensator and hard case.
There must be a regulator involved though there is no mention of any.
any Idea from where I can buy this in Singapore? and whats the license procedure.

Matt, Rich makes a great MB the one you see and the only problem for me was getting it lined up with the bore due to pellet clipping. After removing it 3 times I got it right. The B&A adapter is longer than Mac-1’s and from what I hear it works better for the tank is not rammed into the stock like you see with mine. Guys are slowly moving to the HPA setup and if you did the tanks and Regulaters now for cheap, when the price goes up you will make more $. Keep in mind the 850 is new and for the price it’s catching on fast. I bought my bone stock 850 and removed the sights, added the scope (Bushnell Banner 6-24×40), Rich from Mich. BM and I did the hammer spring mod. and some small trigger work.
My 850 setup.
Sweet looking rifle. I am wondering if I need to bother with the better adapter since I will be using HPA on mine. I am also curious about that muzzle break. I hear that rich from Mich. makes a decent shroud or break for reasonable and I know you can get the 850 with a stock muzzle break. Which is that one? How good is it? Also is that the stock scope on there or is that one not worth it?
BTW I am thinking of ordering a bunch of those 3000 PSI 13 cubic inch tanks. I can get them for cheap and would just have to find a good source for valves. You think people would want them?

matteusz, I have the Mac-1 adapter on my 850 with c02 and it works great with a hammer spring mod putting out 16fpe at 90 degrees. Bryan and Associates has a better adapter out that has a spring loaded valve that will not let the c02 leak out when the tank is removed, and yes it cost a little more.
My 850 setup.
You can get an adapter from mac 1 and I think some other place and put a paintball tank on these. This is just the gun with and adapter and a gauge tapped into it. The tank is most likely the wevo 13ci 3000 psi version. Not too bad for under 400$.
I am so the kid in the candy store. After a closer look at these things a PCP conversion for the 850 is muchmore reasonable (and from the reports I am reading does about all the same stuff). Nothing so great as an air arms or even and SS (except it is a repeater). Dominator definately not worth it.
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