
talon ss tophat set at .139

I took the bottle off and calipered the gap to the tophat which measured .139
I guess I am shocked that it is gapped so big.
I will set it down to .70 and go from there.

Talon/Talon SS

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No Chrony is not currently operational due to lighting conditions–long story. I can tell you that the sound level was constant thru the entire power wheel settings. It seemed too loud. Since there were no sound changes, I kind of figured that maybe it was using too much air. I have only had this gun for two weeks. The valve comes out of the tophat at .070 ish. Is this normal??

Threads showing at the top wont cause any problems.

.139 is a BIG gap. Were you able to run a few shots over a chronograph at that setting?

it was .139. as i screw down the tophat to the .070 area the threads start to show. Is this OK?

You mean 1.39 and reducing it to .70? Or, .70 and reducing it to .139?

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