
Talon SS reborn from Anthony 266!!

Well… My Talon Arrived today from Mr.266. I knew it would be special. Once I opened up the box I was pleased from first glance. But once I finally got it together and dry fired it (because I just couldn’t wait),..I too would have thought it was broken or not working right accept I already read one of Anthony 266’s reviews from a guy who experienced the same thing. Anthony was also nice enough to send me about 50 Crosman Premiers 14.8 grain .22 cal and some really cool JSB Preditors with red poly tips in .22 cal.
Here are some photos so you can see the idea here. Now this Talon SS shot very nice out of the box when I was using that .177 12″ barrel. The main thing I was after with all of this was “QUIET”. This thing is very quiet now. The dog next door doesn’t notice and that was a primary goal.
Look at some photos… Notice the Jewelling,New hammer and he rebuilt the seals….a major tune up…

I still have to resight it in. I fired it a few times accross the yard down into my brick fence. A different gun being .22 cal. The 21″ Barrel is sweet considering Airforce doesn’t even make a 21″ barrel. I still would like to switch out and put a 18″ barrel in .177 in sometime because I have grown to really like the .177 caliber from shooting this Talon SS to begin with. Soon it will be Condor time and I will have Anthony do the works to it because I will just start off right this time and buy it from him to begin with so I will have it dialed in right the first time.
Now I used to work in a machine shop in the NAVY on board USS Tripoli LPH 10 back in 1993. I am no journeyman but I did turn out some nice work and I believe I can recognize what good work is. So far this rifle has now been reborn hard again and I am very glad I took the time to have this done. It was well worth the $$.
Thanks a lot Anthony. You run a first class operation! And if I may say so you set the standard of professionalism in this neck of the woods with these Talon/Condor rifles.
I have read of skilled machinists hand crafting their own rifle and shooting in their own private underground shooting ranges. There are some very skilled folks out there. Among those are this guy! This thing is a blast now! A quiet blast that is…..I still need time to shoot it and see whats happening too but I can tell this is going to be a pleasure!
Indeed! :P[/img]


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A joy to look at very nice indeed.

quote DragonFlySlayer:

You mean the housing of the Talon would be a bit free floating?
Your work is superb.
Sometime I would love to buy something like that from you.
In fact I am sooner or later bro.
Man I wish we could go shooting together and we could count 1…2… then both of us would shoot on 3 and hit the same target 😈

Then we could drink a cold one!
I would love to see Scotland
Cheers… 😉

ye i,m hopeing to get some walnut to do it with but i,ll wait and c my mate to c what he has in the workshop.. one day mate u might end up in scotland and we can get some shooting done 😀


She’s a beauty. Nothing like having a gun built to your own specs. If ever could have gotten away with it I would have shot my neighbors dog for it’s incessant barking.


Do your own testing between lubed and unlubed to see if accurracy is effected…

Crosaman Premiere’s where running about 900+ fps..

Glad your happy.

Good Luck


I give my tin of pellets a shot of Break Free and that does well. Nothing complicated.

Yeah…thats the video.
Yeah…thanks Tony. I still need to dial it in at the range and see how the .22 does. I wonder what it will clock at? I was also wondering if I could change out that barrel from you with the 18″ from Airforce or I could maybe buy from you a 21″ .177 barrel?
I like the .177. It is very fast.
But I will have lots of fun with the .22. As a kid I swore by that caliber.
1.Should I ever oil my pellets a tad or does that wear the seal O rings down?
Do you guys ever oil your pellets?
I fired it off today and that dog didn’t bark at all. The neighbor didn’t notice it.
The main noise was the pellet hitting the brick fence. So I will get a trap that is quiet too. For sighting in at 10 to 12 yards anyway.

Yeah..I pleased to say the least!
That is way cool!
Great Job Anthony and thanx for those pellets. I have about 3 packs of those Preditors in .177

quote DragonFlySlayer:

Oops…I better remove it before they remove me..

If you want I will send it to you via email if you wish ..
It is a guy who sticke a sky rocket up his ass and lights it
with his friends.
It’s funny

Was it this one?


Wow Marc,

You got that set up quick.

Seems like your happy with it…..

Oops…I better remove it before they remove me..

If you want I will send it to you via email if you wish ..
It is a guy who sticke a sky rocket up his ass and lights it
with his friends.
It’s funny

It says that video violates the terms of service, or something, when I try to open it.

You mean the housing of the Talon would be a bit free floating?
Your work is superb.
Sometime I would love to buy something like that from you.
In fact I am sooner or later bro.
Man I wish we could go shooting together and we could count 1…2… then both of us would shoot on 3 and hit the same target 😈

Then we could drink a cold one!
I would love to see Scotland
Cheers… 😉

keep your eye,s peeled mate i,m planing something like that but i,ll be a grip and for stock in one with venting mybe a floating barrel aswel 😀

Too bad you couldn’t open the video clip.
it is funny.
Big 10-4 on the grips mate! The grips I am thinking of are more of a Tactical type.
I like the black Tactical type wooden ones they make that I have seen. I also like yours. I would like a stock to even be vented a bit maybe for looks. And maybe Black.
Sometime soon I need to get me some grips for sure.

alright mate i,m just takeing it easy at the mo hjust finnishing off two sets off grips giveing them there final coats off oil and tomorrow wax time .. tried to look at the tread mate but not working but i think thats my computer .it,s been playing up today 🙁 .. tell u one thing mate the gun looks sweet but need,s some wooden grips on it lol 😛

Hey Rabbit whats up bro!?
I think I am going to shoot a tank full of air tomorrow morning at the range to see whats up with the new set up.

I love that shroud.
It gives me wood.
Hey check this out….

This is what happens if we don’t have the right shroud along with our internal valves rebuilt.

[video src="http://s224.photobucket.com/albums/dd318/DragonFlySlayer/?action=view&current=buttrocket.flv" /]


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