
Talon SS hex screws

Hi all,

Please forgive my English as I’m of Dutch origin.
Does anyone know the size (OD, rev/inch) of the 3/32 hex screws that hold down the barrel? This is because I want to order some extra since I lost one. Right now I can’t measure as I’m currently not where my Talon is for the rest of the week 8)


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Thank you Adam, that is a very useful thread. I’ll refer to that the next time 🙂


This file has a lot of useful information you may need.

Welcome to the TAF!


Hey Y,

Thanks for your reply. I don’t know about the set screw size of gunpower airguns.
When looking op the size of the screws I found a web page that shows the size of the screws (link).
With this information I can order them 😀

And very good on that Royale with Cheese 😀
There’s a Dutch cartoonist that made a funny cartoon about that matter, but just seconds before your quote 😀


They are “10-32” set screws…. on the US version, Not sure if gunpower uses different sizes due to the metric system.

A Royale with Cheese !

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