Talon SS Groups OUT OF BOX
Could someone show me some 12″ barrel out of the box Talon SS groups in both .177 and .22?
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On a 2900psi fill, It is shooting a Kodiak @ 890fps and that is with a little valve work on the tank. Before the valve work, as best I recall it was around 840-845fps just by adding the barrel alone to the gun.
Thanks. Have you chrono’d the .22 Kodiak with the 18″ barrell?

One mildot up in the scope.
5 shots @ 80 yds, 18″ .22 barrel, 21.1 gr Kodiaks shooting off gun tripod.
Do you remember if you were holding over for this distance?

I noticed I can, at best, get what Saugus showed at 30 yards. Would the scope make a significant difference – like a Bushy Legend? The reticle on the Centerpoint seems to thick for me and was wondering if a thin one would help?
Yeah I had a Leapers scope and always thought the reticle cross hairs were a bit to thick as well. The new scope I have has slightly thinner lines, which I like better. If you don’t have much mag sometimes thicker lines can obscure smaller far away targets a bit. Actually, I wouldn’t mind even thinner lines than the ones I now have.
wow. Old post.
I noticed I can, at best, get what Saugus showed at 30 yards. Would the scope make a significant difference – like a Bushy Legend? The reticle on the Centerpoint seems to thick for me and was wondering if a thin one would help?

Most of you guys are doing better than me then… I just did this yesterday with basically same gun/barrel as triggerman. This is at about 21 yards, all that my backyard allows. If I could stay within a inch at 45/50 yards I’d be happy. I’m thinking if some of you guys are doing this, or close to doing this @ 50 yrds, than I’d have to be practically doing one holers at this distance to achieve what some of you are doing @ 50 lol.

I just bought a new Talon SS from AirHog, and out of box they test accuracy before shipping out your rifle. They were getting .5 groups at 30 yards. They would not allow for this accuracy and researched what was going on. They decided it was the barrel and put it on a lathe to fix the inaccuracy. They said they will get it to shoot in 1 or or to 1/4 of an inch before it goes out to me.
AirHog service….. +11000 points in my book.

Last I shot my stock .177 TalonSS I got bored and moved a freshly painted spinner target to 50 yards……. Was able to put a five shot group on one of the sillhouettes where the impact marks from all five pellets were touching, could be covered with a nickle…………..and that with lowly RWS Club wadcutter pellets. Heck, it even surprised me 😯 😯 😀

Basically stock SS, only difference is switched to an 18″ .22 barrel…….
6 shots @ 50 yds, 18″ .22 barrel, 21.1 gr Kodiaks shooting off gun tripod.
5 shots @ 80 yds, 18″ .22 barrel, 21.1 gr Kodiaks shooting off gun tripod.

I am, as I said before a Heavy Spring Gun convert…Shooting this gun TSS .177 with 18″ barrel is ridiculously easy-great weight-tremendous power- to tell the truth a moderate soft hold does work well for me for accuracy. Groupings are very tight when using medium to heavy weighted pellets – like beeman field target specials to kodiak match rws superdomes to crosman ft heavies and damn neear everything else inbetween. Now I am not gonna lie but I’ve been known to put several pellets thru dime sized targets at 25 yds- from my rws 48 and even my inexpensive bam b-21 springers, although not nearly as easily. If you enjoy shooting as much as I do then you will spend hours and hours shooting the darn thing. You should only get better, maintain the gun- keep it clean and shoot alot. These guns are -i am sure – very accurate– I have shot groups that i dont even tell people about because it is so unreal—-I shot, from a soft rest, 20 Rws supermags .177 9.3 gr wadcutter pellets into one hole at 30 feet -from my 18″ TSS charged to 2800psi average velocity 520 fps. The guns are dead on accurate….and oh by the way the 12″ barrel spins and sizes pellets just as accurately.
did some shooting this weekend at 50 yards. achieved thumbnail groups
Did some practice shots this weekend at 35 yards (I measured it this time!) and I could, with an ok shooting form, get it to group within the size of a quarter… But I was also tuning the tophat, the power wheel and the shroud, while shooting off of a suv hood, which moves way more than you would think and counting shots till a refill was needed… Grouping was not the order of the day…
I had a Daisy 880, 90% plastic, made in China that would send a flyer every other shot, I liked it, but the Talon makes that thing look like the toy it is! I am oh so impressed and contemplating a Condor for my next airgun purchase already, I have only had the Talon for under 3 weeks.
These rifles are really accurate and powerful, even powder shooting nuts find the Talon tons of fun, ask my buddy Chris who forgot to get out the 9mm this weekend because he was having too much fun with the Talon! He couldn’t even believe the accuracy.
It is also very comforting to know that the rifle will perform and when something goes a drift, you can pretty much assume it is operator error, which is always the easiest thing to fix, at least for me!
Oh and I have a really crappy scope to boot!
M’kaaay. How about some 30-50 yard groups?
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Cool, thanks.