
Talon is the tank long enough…A POLL Plz participate

I am thinking of a design for a butt plate to make available to members for not to much $$$. So I want to take into consideration if it needs to be adjustable for horizontal length. So please choose one.

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FINALLY! ❗ 😛 ❗

I think the tank is fine, but with the buttpads I’ve used on my Talon and Condor, they add an extra 1 1/2 to 2 inches and it seems just about perfect. The flat little stock buttplate is a bit too short for my taste. I would think rather than having it adjustable for LOP, it may be more economical to just have a spacer that the user can add or remove…. Just a thought.

Will be looking forward to seeing what you come up with on these.

quote Adam in SoCal:

I am thinking of a design for a butt plate to make available to members for not to much $$$. So I want to take into consideration if it needs to be adjustable for horizontal length. So please choose one.

Hi! any news on the design? i would love to buy one 🙂

I happen to have rather long arms, so an extra inch is just a good start for me. As I measure it, my stock TSS has a 14″ LOP. With the addition of Dan’s butt plate, it’s now at 15″. And I could easily go another inch and still not be too long. Part of it is just the ergonomics of the Talon, but even with a more typical stock design, I’m much more comfortable with a LOP around 15″ or so vs. the “standard” of around 13″. So do you have any drawings yet, or are you just going to tease us :-)? Later.


LOP isnt the same for every shooter. Adam is asking if folks would like an adjustable LOP as well as height.

For Dan an extra 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch longer is to long. It may not be for the next guy and yet another guy might think the whole thing is to long to begin with. Personally, I could another inch or two and not be uncomfortable.

You need to add an angled bottle adapter to your buttplate Adam ).


LOP is correct. But if guys need an extra inch or two I need to know. The up and down adjustment is a breeze and if I dont have to adjust the LOP all the better. I can make them both ways but it will be cheaper to make them without it.

LOP is what you should be looking at. Measure from the face of the trigger shoe to the center portion of the buttplate. My limited experience tells me that anything over an extra 1/2″-3/4″ is too much. And like everyone else agrees on, it’s too high. So you also have to remember, when you lower it you are also changing the angle and again the LOP. If there was a line drawn from trigger to buttplate, exactly how LOP is measured, the further that line is from being paralell with the centerline of the tank will also increase LOP. Another thing I have been considering in buttplate design is the angle of the buttplate, most regular rifle stocks don’t have a butt that is near vertical, many cant forward at the bottom so the stock is pressing down on your shoulder instead of just face to face…helps keep it from sliding. Make one that doesn’t rotate because of a flimsy plastic disk, has more “down”, is no longer than an extra 1/2″-3/4″ (the shorter the better imho), and has a slight cant so it stays welded to your shoulder…I’ll buy it:) Friend of mine compares the Talon/Condor to a “stick with a trigger” and I tend to agree.


quote Mr-lama:

From what I’ve seen from most people shooting them, you need the option “I need it lower”.

I am fine with them how they are, but when dnc shoots the bottom of the pad thing is way up on his shoulder.

My $.02

Need it lowered is already covered…it is length I need to find out if the majority needs.

From what I’ve seen from most people shooting them, you need the option “I need it lower”.

I am fine with them how they are, but when dnc shoots the bottom of the pad thing is way up on his shoulder.

My $.02

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