
Talon from Argentina

Finally arrived my talon .22!
Thanks Jorge, Eduard and Sunshine Airguns!
They send it by USPS and in a two weeks this beautifull toy arrived to Argentina.
Sorry by the bad picture ill take it with my celll phone. in a few days ill post one better.
Actually is dressed in real tree hardwoods and with a custon frame extender.
Im waiting to put the new lothar walther ,25 to see how its works

Thanks all you for the info ill find here day by day!

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beautifull! Its the most versatile gun in the world! Just put the accesory tou like! Next year im thinking to buy a webley raider but the talon is the most practical hunting rifle i`ve ever had.

Now, all dressed up. Waiting the weekend. going near lujan, Buenos aires. a town where years ago someone free 4 squirrels and now they`re everywhere.

Leapers 4x16x56 aomd.
The first of this model in the country! Not the best. but for the money I LOVE IT 😀

Nice looking Talon 😀 , what’s the big scope you have Leapers?

Another happy Talon owner…. 😀 Hope you have some great hunting coming up.

You are going to have so much more accuracy and distance you are going to be loving it!

Im hunting a few years with co2 shark rifles and later with a qb78 clon at 3000 psi pcp. But always wanted a talon. In a few weeks began hunting season here. so i promise nice hunting photos.
Thanks walkonking for all your support.



Glad it made it through. Keep us posted on your shooting!

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