Talon/condor vs a 22LR?
Hi, Im new to the whole airgun thing. I was wondering how the talon ss and the condor compare to say a 22LR firearm pistol in terms of penetration etc. Thanks
Also, could I get some info on how to fill the air? I understand there’s the hand pump and the scuba tanks. How many refills will a scuba tank be good for? Does it cost a lot of money to refill the scuba tank? How about purchasing one? Thanks
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txwatcher91 wrote:
Saugus18, the 2×4 I shoot at is a very heavy and dense one. It has aged outside for 2 years or so and as a result is very hard. I shoot a 29gr. Eun Jin from 10 yards and it goes through it most of the time, whereas my .22lr shooting 40gr. bullets goes through it from about the same distance, but past 15 yards neither gun will go through it.
Thanks for clarifying, all I can say is that is a seriously hard piece of 2X4!
A CondorSS will shoot about 150fps less then the 24″ barreled variety. Which is fine, use 21g kodiaks and you will me maximizing the pellets energy which is shooting it at around 950fps or so. Yes the Condor with a shroud is a long AG, i like the compactness of my TSS, had a 6″ shroud on that and thought it was long 😯 can’t imagine another 12″ on top of that.
Is the condor you’re talking about doing this in stock form? I’m still going through the grueling process of deciding between the talon ss and the condor 🙁 Obviously, big price difference if you count the suppressor. Plus the condors with suppressors are sooo long. Then there’s the price difference thing again 🙂
I live in texas, is it legal to have a shroud here? My research has said that as long as it can’t be removed (and therefore used on a firearm) that it’s legal. I was told by airhog not to believe what i read on the internet, that they’re legal for airguns everywhere.
Saugus18, the 2×4 I shoot at is a very heavy and dense one. It has aged outside for 2 years or so and as a result is very hard. I shoot a 29gr. Eun Jin from 10 yards and it goes through it most of the time, whereas my .22lr shooting 40gr. bullets goes through it from about the same distance, but past 15 yards neither gun will go through it.
About the shroud, it should be legal where you are at. The shroud Tony makes is not designed to be used on any type of firearm and therefore would not classify as a silencer. Hope this helps.
I live in texas, is it legal to have a shroud here? My research has said that as long as it can’t be removed (and therefore used on a firearm) that it’s legal. I was told by airhog not to believe what i read on the internet, that they’re legal for airguns everywhere.

txwatcher99 Quote:
Actually the condor will go through a 2×4 on high power with a 29gr. eun jin pellet.
I would think a condor on full power would be able to go thru more than that. but then, I’m not sure about what distance you’re talking about. My less powerful SS can do it on full power with a 21.2gr Kodiak, up to about 20 yrds, then it gets iffy, some go all the way thru, some don’t. I should also add though that the particular 2X4 I was shooting at seemed lighter and less dense than most others, so doing this consistantly with the SS at that distance is probably unrealistic with any 2X4, since wood density can vary so much. How wet or dry the wood is can matter to.
Actually the condor will go through a 2×4 on high power with a 29gr. eun jin pellet. Depending on where you live, you can buy a shroud from Tony at Talontunes.com. I have ordered one recently and am looking forward to receiving it. From what I have read, the pellet impact is louder than the gun is with a shroud on. Hope this helps.

FPE = Foot Pounds of Energy. IE, a measure of how powerful the gun is.
Ok thanks for the info; just one other question, what’s FPE?

everything has more or less been said….dont point a weapon at something you do not intend to shoot
airguns are dangerous…baby got shot in the UK with a puny airpistol not making more than 3 fpe or so and died…..also in the UK recently a kid accidentally shot him self with an air rifle….assuming he didnt have a FAC licensense the rifle must have produced about 12 FPE..he was hit in the chest, and died walking from his shed to the road
a condor has about 55-65 fpe, the SS about 26 FPE, a short barreled .22LR has about 83(subsonics)-140 fpe(highspeed), and regular barreled about 90-160 fpe….all of them can penetrate the human skull even a grown man’s and potentially be fatal….but so can most spring powered airrifles also !
what ever you end up with if it shoots, it should be handled with care, educate the kids, its a great hobby/sport
That’s odd, it says I’m in NY:
Valley Stream, NY, UNITED STATES
Wherever that is.
Anyway… thanks for the info guys.

go here: http://www.hostip.info/
13974 Van Ness Ave. Gardena, Ca. 90249
PHONE 310-327-3581 FAX 310-327-0238
Web-site: http://www.mac1airgun.com/
How do you figure I live in California?
Also I asked pyramid and they said they were the only people that sold those..? Is it legal to have a 24″ barrel that’s supressed?

Hey Ronald, welcome. Changing barrels is a snap… When I got my SS I took the barrel out and re-installed just to do it, and found for myself how easy it was, takes just a few minutes at the most. Check out these videos, courtesy Hellratter. The last vid has barrel change in it: http://talonairgun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=359&highlight=videos
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Saugus18, the 2×4 I shoot at is a very heavy and dense one. It has aged outside for 2 years or so and as a result is very hard. I shoot a 29gr. Eun Jin from 10 yards and it goes through it most of the time, whereas my .22lr shooting 40gr. bullets goes through it from about the same distance, but past 15 yards neither gun will go through it.
Thanks for clarifying, all I can say is that is a seriously hard piece of 2X4!
Yep, it is very hard. I think it is made out of oak or something because it doesn’t look like a normal 2×4 does.
ronaldpdq, which is more important for your use, the power of the condor or the quietness of the talon? You could always buy a talon and upgrade it later to a condor, but that would cost about as much. A 24 inch barrel, hi-flo tank, heaverier hammer weight, etc. If you don’t mind the extra length, I personally would go with the condor and shroud. You could also buy the condor from airhog.com as I believe they are selling it in a .25 caliber kit and you could get them to include the shroud with for max power but quiet.