
TAG’s future. Read me

Hello everyone.

I see that the site is back at the speed that it should be, which is nice. I haven’t been around for a few days due to some really heavy personal issues that have knocked me for six and really zapped both my spirits, concentration and happiness. That being said, I’m trying to take things in stride and go hour by hour (no good just moping around right?). Anyway, onto the TAG.

We all know that we have a wonderful website here with a great bunch of people (and a super-awesome-cool Admin….:p) but things can always be made better. So, in that vein I want everyone to put their Thinking Caps on and think of ways that we can improve what we have here. That is, make the site better, prettier, easier to use, more popular, etc. It doesn’t matter how big or small your idea is as anything that makes the site better is good.

Oh, and in answer to Cygnus’s question, I can only put a block on Avatar sizes if I force people to host their Avatars here rather that at ImageShack etc. That may not sound like a big deal, but as the site grows that will be a relatively big slice of storage and Bandwidth. I will do that and see how things go though.

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I posted about a Myspace for the website I think it would be a cool way to promote the AIRFORCE brand in turn we would get more members and TalonTunes.com would get more customers WIN/WIN. also a Youtube channel for all videos posted by members and we could also use them on the myspace, also I have about 8000 web templates which includes a lot of the forum templates. I run a couple Myspaces and I have my own youtube channel so if you guys need any help or even someone to put them together and then give you guys the passwords and all let me know. 🙂

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