
TAG or TAF ?

Poll so we can pin down what to call the Talon Airgun Forum.




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I too went with TAF. TAG is similar to TOG. TAF differentiates.


TAG like always… 😆

TAG , being English i wouldnt want to insult the Welsh !!!! 😈

We need your vote guys.
Dont want to drag this out too long.
Thanks fo all your help,


quote Bodhisdad:

Sorry TAG, just what i’ve called it from the beginning. Whatever the majority thinks is fine with me, just a name. Besides i like playing TAG with the squirrels 😆 . I almost always win.

Cast your vote at top!

Sorry TAG, just what i’ve called it from the beginning. Whatever the majority thinks is fine with me, just a name. Besides i like playing TAG with the squirrels 😆 . I almost always win.

I went with TAF…

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