
Swapping .22 for .25 occasionally


I’m thinking of getting a .25 condor and was wondering if it’s possible on occasion to swap in the .22 barrel and how quick does it take to do that, thanks

Airforce Rifles/Pistols

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Breech end of .25 barrel must be the same as breech end of .22 barrel so that the same slide works for both. Change over is very quick ,and easy.

I swap barrels often and my POI never changes somehow.

It takes me about 5 mins to do. I swap between 24inched .22 cal to 18inched .177 barrels. Taking about the power wheel and other internals is simple. Taking it apart has taught me a lot. It’s quite a simple air gun.

Ron, you will need to opt for the .25 barrel breech slide turned to the same diameter as the .22 which is no trouble at all. plenty of material to allow for that.
I’m sure once you get used to the dis/reassembly then it will indeed be a five min job.

With my Talon I can change a barrel in about 5 minutes, I have yet to remove the PW, hammer, spring and bolt…

You will have to re-sight your scope or sights after swapping barrels…

I put it off thinking it was difficult and I was amazed how easy and quick it actually was.


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