
***Southern California fun shoot***

Hey guys/ gals (don’t want to exclude) I am planning a second California fun shoot out on BLM land. I have been scouting and I have found a place where we could all meet and shoot together. I am planning on BBQing some burgers and if you want we can make a list of stuff to bring. This hopefully will be a great way to meet new airgunners and maybe make a few new hunting partners. I love firearms as much as Wayne Lapierre but this will be an airgun only shoot.

Email or PM me if you’d like to come. I would just like to get a head count for the BBQ and size of shooting area we may need.

Date: March 19th
Location will be off the 15 and 138.

I hope to see you there

here are some photos from last year

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Email sent.

DANG IT! My wife is supposed to be coming home from Prescot that day after almost 3 weeks. I am sure she would not appreciate me going shooting the day she is getting home. lol I like my dog house but I think she would burn it down with me in it for that one. 👿

Have you considered posting this on one of the forums where it will get more exposure (GTA)?

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