
SoCal Airgunning Site

OK here is a question that I hope some one can answer for me. I was reading an article on SoCal site. It was the March 2006 piece where it talks about Anthony doing a tune on a TalonSS. (the mountain bike one)
Any way Todd talks about a backpack that he had made. Does any one have pic or info on this pack??? I would like to see any thing on this or a link to buy one. Sounds like a cool addition to my collection.
Tony do you remember this one???
Thanks guys for any thing you got on this.

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Yeah, I would love to get one of those packs. I wonder if we could get him to do another run of them.

Here is pic of the pack for those that are interested

It also has a camel pack but I didn’t post that pic. The hole thing it about 27 inches long.

Thank you sir. Always a big help. I will send him a e-mail.

Those were great backpacks….
Here is Todd’s email address.


Thats all I have right now.

Good Luck

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