
So what happened to the TOG now?

I’m pretty much a powder-burner and use my SS for quiet pest control. But I still stop in to various airgun sites from time to time for info and to keep generally updated. I just learned that the TOG has restricted access. And I can’t get on there even as a card-carrying member. Just kidding about the card carrying part. It seems that every time I check in there is some sort of major turmoil going on there. Was following a thread here until it turned into a major discussion about orca penis 😯 😆 . So could someone bring me up to speed? That’s a lot of info gone, but what the h**l, there’s a lot of info here in the membership if I need to pick people’s brains. Two things I always liked about airgunning is the sharing of info and the easy-going attitudes. I like that about the shooters of the Holy Black as well.

Kevin in Pa signing out.

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[quote=”dirty harry”]Lama posted “WEE” and the place just fell apart.

😆 😆 😆 It sure did, Dam LAMA WEEEEEE 😆 😆 .

Then someone/s said something about Lama’s Mama and the lord (wolf in sheeps clothing) himself came down from the heavens, smote the heathens and banished them to the realms of TOGlessness. Thus the Eden of TAG was created and freedom like we had forgotten was once again realized. Ever since, the brotherhood of TAG has flourished, the info and friendships have grown. The Bible of AF tuning and modding has grown and dare i say will surpass all that was known in the realm of tog.

Just another case in point that Dictatorship will never work on a group who is as free thinking as TAG’ers. I have never been apart of any forum regarding any hobby, where the contributing members who pioneered the forum to begin with were treated as trolls, much less the general population. One thing to remember is tog was hackd in Feb. 07 and alot of info was lost. We rebuilt as much as we could, but much was gone forever. I think many forget this. What tog had when his holiness tookover is less then what we say it was. Might i add in such a short time the lost info has slowly been replaced, new info has been added and we are much better off for it.

My only regret is that Andrew’s site (TOG) he created, was sold under the premiss that things would stay the same.(That is the site was for a “free” exchange of info to benefit all. I believe he could have gotten more money for the site, but felt Don had the groups best interest at heart. This lasted about a month before he gained his god-like status, democracy died, and a dictatorship was born. Andrew instilled a belief in most, if not all of us that has transfered over here. The Forum name has changed, but thta is all as far as i’m concerned it might as well still be named TOG, because it operates the same as it used to. I’d almost suggest pooling our money together and buying back Andrews domain name, for pennies on the dollar. Just the name as the info we have here already and Don can get the info. This would only be for the sake of honoring Andrew. The forum name matter little to me, as its those who post who reallly make the forum.

Lama posted “WEE” and the place just fell apart.

Adam has been Lama’s consanant & vowel coach for many years. After seeking advice from their spiritual adviser… some crazy dude named AKULA….. they settled on those three letters to topple TOG. That’s just how it happened.

Note: it is rumored on other AG sites that AKULA may be friends with Yellow Ninja, Teflon Tron, and CygnusX. You will have to draw your own conclusions.


……the internet version of ” If I can’t run the sandbox my way, I’m takin’ my Tonkas and goin’ home! ” type of thing.

Yeah I was just getting int the AF guns and had just joined the TOG a few weeks before it went belly up! Damed shame as I learned a lot in short order about our guns. and still have a lot to learn. Crazy thing is, in my short time there, I didn’t see any bad behavior. Even Don was very helpful to me. Apparently there had been a lot of problems in the distant past. Why he chose to shut it down when it seemed that things had settled down and going somewhat smoothly is a mystery to many.

Luckily we have a good group of people here. Just wish much of the tech. info wasn’t lost. I was really enjoying researching all I could find about hot-rodding these guns. Now I’m lost on much of it!


man that is a lot of reading, i just read the whole story. i just started surfing the site when it shut down, and only had read posts for a few days, so i am playing catch up. the way it sounds there was tons of info on the site, so i am glad you guys put this site togeather for the good of everyone. i and everyone elce thanks you for your work!!!!

quote dirty harry:

Wrong Lama…….. Adam waved his Magic Wand and turned TOG into a giant Orca Schlong.

I’m going to have to wave that wand about waist level then 😆

Wrong Lama…….. Adam waved his Magic Wand and turned TOG into a giant Orca Schlong.

Your MaMa, Lama 😆 😆

That’s it. Tog turned into a giant orca penis.


Thread jacking at it’s best.

You can refer to the link


If you click all the way to the begging of the General Forum you can read several threads about it.

In Novemeber of 07 Don Dragon the owner of the TOG shut down the site saying it would not be coming back without warning. So all the information was lost to us. After a couple of weeks of being closed down he reopened the site and several of us went over there and started to down load our posts and information due to non of us being able to trust Don would not close down the site again on a whim. When Don realized what we were going to the TOG and saving the information that was made available again he shut its doors and closed if forever. He essentially took his ball and went home, it took him 7 months to kill the TOG.

We have the information saved and some has been put here. Here at the TAG we encourage our members to save their postS and any information they get off this site. We do not want anyone to feel this information is not available to everyone.

So welcome and enjoy the site! Now you are up to speed.

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