
Shroud Silencer

Hey Gents 🙂
Remember the blown shroud? I have designed a new one and would appreciate any criticism or comments on the design. Any comments on the drawing skill will result in the offender receiving a really fat shroud (and you know where you can put it :twisted:).

The thing is designed in sections that clip into each other, this should keep them aligned and hopefully stop me from blowing up another one, it should also allow me to vary the chamber size to get the best result. The washers design needs a bit of work. IE should they face the other way and is the hole for the Pellet (A) right or should the smaller opening face the Barrel.

First attempt and comments would be most welcome

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Yep! Like Adam said. Turn em’ around. And A big yes on the cheese grater comment. Same way a race muffler is make. The reversed cheese grater effect will help strip away the air. Then fill the space next to the tube with very thin Scotch Bright type material. I want one!

Now about that drawing. 🙄 Wish I could draw that way! I can make some killer knives, but buy! The drawings look like crap when I first design them!!! 😆


I’m just saying where and when can I get mine. I’m tired of being last around here dammit! lol…… 😀

lmao!!!! 😀 😀 😀 “in half…..” funny

I don’t think it will work very well being cut in half…

Pretty cool. 🙂

I would suggest that you lose the perforated tube and that you turn your bushings so that the perimeter sits flat against the inside of the tube.

Just my $0.02

How about some holes in the blue part so the air can vent back through the SS front bushing holes ❓

i agree with WOK an Sacshooter, but otherwise it’s sexy!!! 😆 8)

Thanx Gents
Rev 2 with cheese grater holes and baffles swopped coming up

Nice drawing, I agree with WalkonKing on the baffles.

I know this would be harder to produce, but what if the oval holes on the cylinder were made like that of a cheese grater? Little ridges stick up and the air is stripped (off and away) as it bushes across the top of the holes ❓

That looks great but 1 thing.

You might want to turn those baffles around so the narrow entrance is pointing to the muzzle and your baffles reflect the gas back wards as well.

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