
Shooting into clay, a simple pellet test

I am snowbound here with nothing to do, so I set up a slab of oil-based modeling clay in my shed, and shot some pellets into it.

The clay was cold, 35° F., so penetration was less than stellar. What surprised me was the expansion of the bigger pellets. Eun Jins really do smack the hell out of stuff.

The Crow Mags and Predators both lost the top half when they turned inside out, and the skirt half just kept going on thru. Pretty neat.

I tried to keep velocities in the hunting range, some were a little hot.


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For the 42 Grainers you can PM “Sluggo” on this Forum.

It is duct seal from Home Depot super dense stuff. The 42 g Eun Jins I bought off the Yellow Forum.

Randy, it took me a few moments to decipher teh first 2 pics. What kind of clay are you using? This stuff I have is pretty hard until you warm it up.

I had the slab laying snug against a chunk of 3/4″ plywood, the Kodiak and Eun Jins started to push a dime-size plug of clay out the back. I think the plywood kept them from going thru the clay.

The predators lost their heads right at the surface of the clay. The rings were almost blown back out of the hole. The rifling marks are clearly visible on the inside of the rings.

Anthony hasnt yet delivered my .25 barrel. I told him to take his time, d-oh! I already have the pellets, they are fun to look at LOL. Cant wait to shoot them, I have my valving worked out I think. Shimmed for lighter pells nets 970+fps, pull the shim and Eun Jins and kodiaks will go over 1100 if I turn up the wheel.

Speaking of the 42 grain EJ, where are you guys getting them from? I have to admit I havent really looked very hard yet, but havent found them for sale anywhere.

Well here’s the thing a month I finished the .25 barrel and then left the Condor at my buddy’s place because we had a spell of minus 30 below weather. So other then a quick session sighting in my Condor I have had no chance to try out all the different pellets so I hope to get out to his farm and chrony the CM’s and others and do some grouping tests. Supposed go minus 25 tomorrow so shooting outside will be painful but will report back ASAP.


Randy, how do the CM’s fit in your barrel? Snug, loose…?


Here are some .25 Eun Jin 37 and 42 grainers (Crow Mags next thanks Dirty Harry) from my condor doing around 950 fps. Blew the crap out of my pellet trap. 🙄


No, the mynahs aren’t protected in any way. They are an introduced species. They are RAUCOUS little bastards. My next door neighbor has a second floor addition which makes it the nearby highpoint. The Mynahs sit up there and carry on like you can’t imagine. They mate for life but I don’t give a shit. I’ve shot so many of them somebody ought to start a dating service for all the single ones. 😆 😆

Heh Harry, somehow I dont feel to bad for you. 😆

I am “wading” thru 2′ of slush to get to my shed, and I walked right into the frostproof faucet I put in last spring. Give myself a nice long scrape just below the knee. Put another nail in the fun coffin, jeeze!! 😡

I take it Mynah birds over there are like Stellar jays over here. Noisy, nosy and somewhat protected. We feed the wild finch’s here, and the jays keep taking the sunflower seeds. They have gotten wise to me, if I slide the window open they are gone. If I leave the window open, Joey my dog jumps out and trys to catch them LOL.

That’s a pretty cool test great Info. 😀

Hey Riff,

It ain’t no different here in Hawaii. It’s not cold, but the rain has been incessant since September of ’07. As I am typing this heavy dark clouds have moved in and it’s only a matter of minutes before the deluge begins. It is better than being cold but all this damn rain keeps us indoors as well. 🙁 🙁 Thought I would add that this weather has relagated me to sniping Mynah birds from my kitchen or bedroom window.

I just popped one a second ago and logged in and added this. He took low flight after the shot and I feared that he would make it up over the block wall and die in my neighbors yard. That would not be good. I did locate the little bastard and he is in my front yard. 8)


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