Shiney Thing !!!
Start of new project ,this being a lump of 128x70x30 6082 T6 alloy for my 8 shot rotary mag bullpup. Ive got to put a 14mm hole all the way through this on my tiny lathe for the probe and barrel to line up and a 15mm x 90mm deep hole for the hammer to travel . This all done on an 8″ lathe is going to be scary ! 😯
Putting it in a four jaw chuck on a 6mm hold is looking the only way of machining it .Its going to be quite a mass to swing at any speed but il see 🙂
So as with the last gun this is going to take an absurd amount of time to complete and very likely to drag on for far too long. It may also be a no starter if i cant machine these to holes but arfter spending 4 months finalizing the drawings i realy want to give it a go .So L8ter all …….Much Later hehe 😀
All Replies

That looks great buba! Sorta like an FX and a Falcon made a baby. 🙂

Last post as far as the build gose 🙁 finished the trigger in brass as its alot easier than stainless and she shoots and cocks fine. I will make a new brass collar for the barrel sometime as the fit was not as good as before the anodising , think i burnt some metal off when i did it ! , got to talk to Leupy about the barrel turning sometime !. Also want to put a shoulder on the collar as im thinking of making it into a bull barrel type ,as it has abit of a crack to it when shot but i need to find some carbon fiber tube first. Apart from that im just going to test her out to see if it works as ment too and hopefully have ago at Mcmikes chrono and il post some figures and targets when i get the time 😀 .
Need a new scope for it as this one belongs on my T10 and is abit to big for it , so im going to look for a mini scope. Thanks all for the feed back and positive responses to the build .
So onto the last one …….. sometime ( when the girlfriend has chilled out abit…..il surprise her then …hehe.)
L8r all 😀
thanks mate it,s been a while in comeing and we webt through a shit load to get it .can,t wait for the next two and a half months to c what it is .it,s like x mas all over for us .the wee man don,t know whats going to hit him lol.
well mate sorry to hear thats it but i,m sure on this the last one will be right up there with the best as this one is .
Cant wait for pics of the new build Buba ! Awesome job on this one.

Ive only been building it for 6 months , your wishing your life away Rabbits ( congrats on the wee one youve been building your self )
Well the truth is …..this was going to be my last ! , cant keep building guns ,there,s too many hanging around in my spare room as it is. Going to sell my Stealth , either break it up or sort it as soon as i get time.
Then onto my fun gun which ( im only building as i already had some parts ) will be either a pump action take down type gun or semi auto if i can get the blowback to happen ( alot harder than i thought on a 12lb gun ). 😯
This is being designed as i speak from my secret bunker complex deep in darkest Norfolk…..Dohhh!!! …..did it again…… by my new design department VOLEWORKS ( your got the Skunkworks …..this is the British version ). The gun has the code name of Tactical Utilitran Rifle Design and will come in a wide selection of colours as long as its black !.
T.U.R.D production will start once final completion of the drawing stage which is half complete while i await delivery of parts. 😯
Parts have been sourced with a adjustable stock from our main supplier Evilbay ( unfortanaly Evilbay is experiencing delivery delays which its not responsible for ???) , the cylinder of T.U.R.D being a HW100 unit and a test barrel in .177 supplied by Crossmam made from some of the finest NEWLY developed metals known to man ! ( powdered steel……oohhhh!!!). 😯
There will be a AR15 rubber grip with the trigger and trigger gaurd copied from the AR15 drawings , as ive yet to make a complete gun by myself and it would feel odd not to copy something !. 😯
Magazine procurement has yet to be made with the favoured Monsoon mag proving unavailabe here in the UK , Rapid or in house built 16 round mag ( if it comes to it !!!! ….drinks / drugs will be ordered to deal with its constrution !! )
A total of 5 , T.U.R.D units will be made with 4 for sale provinding unit cost can be kept to a minimum.
So il hope all of you will help me in T.U.R.D production because i believe its what the world needs !.
Coments , snide remarks or just abuse is expected and gratefully recieved 😯
Terms and Conditions apply ….. ie: im not responsible for any thing i say or do!!!! 😯 😀
L8r all
i’m following the construction since the first picture ..
your homemade rifle is Awesome man!

Holy hell… that is NICE… 😯 I love the looks of it. Very well done.
god mate i,ve been waiting for this day for like a hole year . a superb build mate and i,m sure it won,t be your last as i know u all to well . nice one nev . 😀
That looks amazing.
Did you engineer all the parts yourself or are the internals based off a different gun?

That is the best home made airgun I have ever seen. Awesome and inspiring.
Cant wait to see how it shoots!

Anodised the breach myself , im happy with it , nice solid black. The engraving on the other hand was not what i expected , this is the trouble with getting someone else involved 👿 . I did want industrial engraving but that was just so much cash it was untrue. So i got it done by a muppet who real didnt get the idea! . You can read it but only up close …lol… and once black you need to scwint abit more 😕
In the process of anodising , the caravan battery charger i bought of Ebay for £10 , decided it didnt like being away from its safe , slow charging , mobile home and went on to have a major meltdown with most of its internals dripping onto the floor ! …..did wonder what that smell was !!!.
Then started the jigsaw of joining all those parts together 😀
I was just itching to get it together to see how ugly it was and i think im coming round to it 😕 . This is just the first mock up , as i just wanted to see the fit. 😀
Here she is in her natural environment . 8)
At the moment it comes with a unique safety device ….ie no trigger !
So along with abit of tweeking ive got the trigger to finish , stock to oil , O-rings for the mags and then the biggie !. IT INT GONA SHOOT STRAIGHT ………maybe ?.
Leupy emailed me about my build and we have been talking barrels ….. not the most stimulating subject over the dining table for the women folk , which is why the internet was invented. To put it short i could have problems which will mean making a new brass collar which the barrel fits into , to aline the barrel correctly …..damit !.
There i am thinking barrels are straight and concentric …..ohh so no big mistake then ………damit ……just have to try it and see ….
L8r all

Thanks all 😀
Thats the Russian Design coming through ….. 😀 …….unmistakable !
Now thats one thing i cant argue about the USA , you can get anything !!! over here its tough enough to get Cedar strip let alone rawhide ! LoL . You cant buy 2 meter fiberglass on a roll over here ,( my bro works in a boat yard , so i know !) have to order it from the States.
Ive ordered alot from the States in the past and it was quicker than ordering over here half the time . That was until recently , now the States suppliers seam to not want to mail out of country Mcmaster being one! .
All you lot go down to Walmart and get the lot under one roof or order online . Ive got to pay £5 for 8 O-rings for my mags as its the minum order i can have !. I have to grease my metal supplier up because i want short lengths , it dose my head in how hard it can be to buy stuff in this country. 👿
Thanks Synopsys but where’s the Heart and Soul in that boat ( 😕 hope you understand ….hehe), alloy , nylon and rubber ! think your agree that a nice wood hull just looks the dogs bollocks (with abit of fibre glass over it…..damit) . Im in no rush its a winter project 😀
Great color and stock!!! It has an aire of effective beauty and utilitarian brawn!!!
Check this out for a canoe/kayak…
Great book, his is all handbuilt with aluminum bulkheads lashed together with rawhide and then covered with a nylon soaked in rubber surface…
ah mate it,s looking sweet. i realy can,t wait to c this all together and with the engraved bit lol 😈
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That is so beautiful. So here is your reward