Shiney Thing !!!
Start of new project ,this being a lump of 128x70x30 6082 T6 alloy for my 8 shot rotary mag bullpup. Ive got to put a 14mm hole all the way through this on my tiny lathe for the probe and barrel to line up and a 15mm x 90mm deep hole for the hammer to travel . This all done on an 8″ lathe is going to be scary ! 😯
Putting it in a four jaw chuck on a 6mm hold is looking the only way of machining it .Its going to be quite a mass to swing at any speed but il see 🙂
So as with the last gun this is going to take an absurd amount of time to complete and very likely to drag on for far too long. It may also be a no starter if i cant machine these to holes but arfter spending 4 months finalizing the drawings i realy want to give it a go .So L8ter all …….Much Later hehe 😀
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Yep its a copy of the Russian Tv4 as ive stated some where :D. Im not upto designing from scratch and why reinvent the wheel!. They said that their not exporting it so i decided to build it 😯 .The drawings ive made came from about 4 months CAD work on about 100 pics and side on drawing that was posted on the Russian Talkguns forum. Its going to be close but not spot on hehe. The Tv4 is ment to be a bit agricultural in its indexing of the magazine but is one of the few Russsian guns that get a good write up as far as build quality unlike the bullpup Matador. I see the Matador production had to be moved to Finland to improve the quality control. So if the Ruskies dont get to me first ( im currently in hidding from the KGB and think my phones tapped 😯 ) il be the only westerner with a Tv4 …….POSSIABLY ! 😯 ..hehe