
Shiney Thing !!!

Start of new project ,this being a lump of 128x70x30 6082 T6 alloy for my 8 shot rotary mag bullpup. Ive got to put a 14mm hole all the way through this on my tiny lathe for the probe and barrel to line up and a 15mm x 90mm deep hole for the hammer to travel . This all done on an 8″ lathe is going to be scary ! 😯

Putting it in a four jaw chuck on a 6mm hold is looking the only way of machining it .Its going to be quite a mass to swing at any speed but il see 🙂
So as with the last gun this is going to take an absurd amount of time to complete and very likely to drag on for far too long. It may also be a no starter if i cant machine these to holes but arfter spending 4 months finalizing the drawings i realy want to give it a go .So L8ter all …….Much Later hehe 😀


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Yep its a copy of the Russian Tv4 as ive stated some where :D. Im not upto designing from scratch and why reinvent the wheel!. They said that their not exporting it so i decided to build it 😯 .The drawings ive made came from about 4 months CAD work on about 100 pics and side on drawing that was posted on the Russian Talkguns forum. Its going to be close but not spot on hehe. The Tv4 is ment to be a bit agricultural in its indexing of the magazine but is one of the few Russsian guns that get a good write up as far as build quality unlike the bullpup Matador. I see the Matador production had to be moved to Finland to improve the quality control. So if the Ruskies dont get to me first ( im currently in hidding from the KGB and think my phones tapped 😯 ) il be the only westerner with a Tv4 …….POSSIABLY ! 😯 ..hehe

Excellent work!

Dear Buba, can You tell where did You take drawing of this airgun?

2 all – the gun (rifle) is a russian bull-pup “T-4” produced of LLC “DEMYAN” in Moscow. There is URL: http://www.demyan.info/

And look at the parts of the gun:


Very Cool… Looking forward to seeing more of the build as it progresses.


Indexing mech finished ,heres the bits

This pic shows the prong which will be pushed back when the gun is cocked

Mid way through cocking with the front prong moving into position

With the probe cocked fully back . Also shows the front prong which when the probe is cocked forward will push the indexing arm back into start position.

Works quiet smoothly and just needs from a final polish

Hopfully my RFD with be back from a gunshow and i can get my barrel ordered which will be a BSA 18″ . Thinking of making it a .20 as ive read alot on how good this pellet is for hunting . Shame theres not alot of pellet chioces thou. Onto making the probe which is going to be quiet tricky as its made of 5 parts ,threads and sliding fits ,so its all fun! L8r all

Thanks all for your coments 😀 .” Patient and knowledgeable ” are two words not associated with me im afraid. But when i get in my shed and lock the world away for a couple of hours and clear my mind ……. well things may well happen 😀 . At the age of 8 i was tested and found to have a 108 IQ , because i didnt fit what they thought i should be , they then said i was possiable mentaly insane ! 😯 . So i like to get away from people and so my shed is my nirvana ( if not abit of a cold one). So far this gun has been alot easier to make than the Stealth , which is weird as its more complex :shock:. Ive got more done and will test the indexing soon to see if it works or if ive made a shiney paper wieght. Later All ive got 2 hours free………your know where il be! … hehe.

quote WalkonKing:

quote Bodhisdad:

Amazing work, wish i had a 1/4 the knowledge to do that kind of work.

Believe me we all wish you had 1/4 the knowledge too…. 😛 Shoot we would be ecstatic if you had 1/8 😆 😆 😆 😆

WOK, I learned everything i know from reading your posts. By all rights that sould make me a genious. 😆

Buda you are too damn patient! I would have f*cked up the part long ago becouse of some kind off stupid thing I want to get done quickly! Very neet work! I like it.



quote Bodhisdad:

Amazing work, wish i had a 1/4 the knowledge to do that kind of work.

Believe me we all wish you had 1/4 the knowledge too…. 😛 Shoot we would be ecstatic if you had 1/8 😆 😆 😆 😆

Amazing work, wish i had a 1/4 the knowledge to do that kind of work.

Reward time
😛 😛 😛 😛 😛

That is seriously Mother F’ing amazing…

I’m scared to see the final product, Jim.

Got alittle more done , started on the indexing mech just because i want to see if it works and its to dam cold to be doing anything that takes longer to make 🙂 . The stainless arm in the brass holder will turn the mag by sliding across when cocked, its going to be sprung by a leaf spring , which will spring it back into the start position when the probe is pushed into the breach 😕 . I know its clear as mud but it would take a 1500 word essay to explain it LOL

Finished the final milling on the breach , with the 60 degree dovetails and some wasting away on the back of the breach. Apart from one hole which is abit out of round ( because i got lazy ) and il sort later , it all went quiet smoothly for a change 😀

Its still to dam cold thou L8r all 😀

holy cow batman that looks awesome dude

Its slotted and drilled , just starting on the inturnals. Got one more 3mm slot from the mag to the 8mm hole to do and im waiting for a 60 degree cutter to arrive so i can dovetail the top . Then a little bit of wasting away to make it pretty . 😀

Adjustment screws for the hammer spring and the hammer its self 😀

and finaly a pair of odd leg scribers …….. 😀

Which i didnt make 😕

Now that is some great work. It looks bomb proof! 😛

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