
Shiney Thing !!!

Start of new project ,this being a lump of 128x70x30 6082 T6 alloy for my 8 shot rotary mag bullpup. Ive got to put a 14mm hole all the way through this on my tiny lathe for the probe and barrel to line up and a 15mm x 90mm deep hole for the hammer to travel . This all done on an 8″ lathe is going to be scary ! 😯

Putting it in a four jaw chuck on a 6mm hold is looking the only way of machining it .Its going to be quite a mass to swing at any speed but il see 🙂
So as with the last gun this is going to take an absurd amount of time to complete and very likely to drag on for far too long. It may also be a no starter if i cant machine these to holes but arfter spending 4 months finalizing the drawings i realy want to give it a go .So L8ter all …….Much Later hehe 😀


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quote WalkonKing:

One question….Why is “Made in Russia” written in English?

On the right side of an inscription in English, and on a left-hand side – in Russian.
Simply earlier possibility of circumscribed export was meant.


Those picts are impressive.

One question….Why is “Made in Russia” written in English?

________ T4 FT (photo by EVV from Moscow)


(udarnik) striking with a weighting compound inside

0.25 and “F” – it is ridiculous… 😀 😀 😀

Bullet JSB 0.22, after passing on barrel from Lotar Walther

Barrel LW on T4, after polishing by micro-abrasive Pasta Flitz



quote :

Me thinks they are in shock and awe that you can do what you do

I think your right in that it suprised them that someone would try to make it. On the whole ive had a good response to the build and offers of help which suprised me !. Think the negertive stuff has been from people who dont like it being copied by “English guy” , thou ive seen them slate another for coming close to a copy.
As you also say

quote :

But rest assured they did not invent all of their designs from thin air

Nearly all nations have reversed engineered something in there history . I dont maintain any moral high ground over the fact that im copying someone elses design ……because i like it ! 😀 . Its a good solid design ,smaill amout of parts ,made for ease of maufacturing , the magazine being the hardest part to make.
The Russians have alot to be proud of with there engineering ie. heavy lift heli / planes , Sub ,s and space craft , they shouldn,t fear a guy in a shed……hehe.

Thanks Ed for injecting abit of humour into the subject 😀 . Think im going to have to buy a geiger counter , never know what your KGB is upto ! 😀 LOL

quote :

ordinary white man in England I was almost in despair of that we lost you!

Were getting rarer which is why you should fear China they dont play by the rules when it comes to patents
Ive learnt my lesson and if i make another it will be my own design 😀
Il be back with more next week L8R all

Buba, now I know why KGB is tapping your phone!!! 🙂 I do hope you understand now that you must be very careful, you know those umbrellas with the injectors, car accidants, etc. etc. We have long arms!!! 🙂 If you can copy the gun based only on the Internet photos I am horrified by the thought of what would happen if you see something more secret 🙂 Such guys should be under our control or killed. 🙂

But seriously, I am very impressed with the work you have done!!! I would never be able to do anything like that! That is for sure!!! To painstaking job for me, it would be easier for me either to make my own or to get the drawing by any way, even by torturing 🙂

But the main thing I would like to say, I am glad that England still have such peope able to do something. Having read about how difficult life is for ordinary white man in England I was almost in despair of that we lost you! 🙂


Me thinks they are in shock and awe that you can do what you do 😀

There is nothing wrong with making one for yourself and it is amazing you can do so. But rest assured they did not invent all of their designs from thin air and making one for your own use is what being a hobby machinist is all about.

I think you got the a little scared as they realize if someone wants it they can make it.

I wonder how much the Chinese pay for reversed engineered drawings…LOL

Thks “Tv4” ( you couldnt have chosen a more confusing name LOL) picture was of an angle i didnt have 😀 ,helps with the brass sliding index bar , is the Tv4 the protype and the T4 the production gun ? or is just ones carbine and the other bullpup .I read through about 350 pages of the Tv4 post before it got to much lol.

Photo YCM (udarno spuskovoy mehanism), in other words – trigger, installed on serial Т4 carbine version. He differs, from trigger Tv4.

Thanks for the reply “Tv4” and to the others who have left me a positive response. Ive been on the talksgun for about two years watching Valent , Carwizard , Sova902 , Blacksmith and Victor 620 with his superb semi auto plus others. Its a site for the builder , as i think Edward said on an English forum awhile back ( when defending i think it was 😕 Bricks for publishing FAC S16 tune up info in open forum ). There seams to be abit of freek out at the moment about the build 🙁 . From what i can see there questioning my nationality and where i got the drawings from.
😯 .
So first im , English and proud ,drawings came from 20mb of pictures ive downloaded and the side view drawing . Over 4 months i reversed engineered the pics to end up with a 2d CAD drawing and part of a 3d drawing to . “*********” ( dont want him to get grief) post on the Tv4 was where i got most of my info as well as 3 other Russian web sites that im a member of.
It seams a shame that its being viewed so negatively by some , im NOT going into production and the drawing will NOT be handed out ,so whats the problem ?. In a year China will do that ! and they wont say thank you!
Im a builder who ocasionaly shoots ,but building is where i get my kicks , its a hobbie , and time will tell if the Tv4 will work 😀 ……….Oh im not a fascist, anti Russian , im not trying to sink Russian industry and im not Gay ! . Thats China s job lol

Lighten up …..!

Hi TAG……….there picking on me LOL ( thank God I dont need a translator on here )…….hehe

2 Buba b, you very courageous guy if began courageous to copy such difficult PCP a rifle as Russian Т4 (beta version Tv4). Interestingly to all of us, whether you can complete a rifle up to the ending that she also could shoot?

Glitch. A good picture here: http://talks.guns.ru/forummessage/30/292926-m6600485.html

Т4 In a variant a carbine:

Good to hear from you Edward 😀 , Please dont take my coments to heart Ed, as i have to read between the lines in the translation 😕 and fill in the gaps in the Russian translator . Good to see that your airgun is doing so well and yourve improved your product. Will be intresting to see your new pistol too. I stand corrected as to my coments on production moving to Finland. Sry
Nearly copied the Matador as i realy liked your design , as youve seen by the response the gun got on western forums but ( your be glad to know ) i wanted a multi shot 😀 . Theres alot of talent on the Russian forums and if you want to see new ideas it seams its the place to go , its alot better than the UK sites 🙁 .
Well ive copied a Stealth and now a Tv4 for the learning curve , been to the West and East , so the next is going to have to be of my own design 😯 . Just might need some ideas……………hehe 😀

Big B,

I have said it before and I will says it again. Just awesome

quote Buba b:

The Tv4 is ment to be a bit agricultural in its indexing of the magazine but is one of the few Russsian guns that get a good write up as far as build quality unlike the bullpup Matador. I see the Matador production had to be moved to Finland to improve the quality control.

If you want you will be able soon to see new Matador. We started up new equipment and the poor quality of finishing look of Matador and some problems with few of them in shooting are (hopefully) left in the past 🙂 Anyhow Matador is quite reliable gun and to prove this fact I can only with one thing — within few months there will be 1000th Matador sold out and I have a waiting list for it around 300 person. Besides, having new equipment I decided to invent new models and the first of them is Veles, the pistol which I am going to begin to sell out within a couple of month. So, keep in touch, if you are quite familiar with Russian guns forums, you will find my e-mail easily 🙂

By the way, Finland is not the question of quality, Finland is the question of the selling 🙂

Anyhow if you made the copy of T4 based only on the photos in the forum — you are real hero!!! I would be able to do it, it is easier for me to invent from scratch 🙂

Let me guess that your the ” South ” form the Russian Forums ? 😀 it just clicked ! and i just checked LOL. I like your work ,theres some realy talented guys on that forum Bricks , Sova902 , Blacksmith just a few ive followed but there designing from scratch. Wish i had the time and money to design from scratch but…… . I wondered why my hit count had gone up so fast lol….. double in one day lol. I finaly made the talkguns site Yeppie ….. follow in the footsteps of Mcmike and Camotes hehe now i just need to understand the abuse im getting lol 😯 . I think im being followed ……….hehe

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