Shiney Thing !!!
Start of new project ,this being a lump of 128x70x30 6082 T6 alloy for my 8 shot rotary mag bullpup. Ive got to put a 14mm hole all the way through this on my tiny lathe for the probe and barrel to line up and a 15mm x 90mm deep hole for the hammer to travel . This all done on an 8″ lathe is going to be scary ! 😯
Putting it in a four jaw chuck on a 6mm hold is looking the only way of machining it .Its going to be quite a mass to swing at any speed but il see 🙂
So as with the last gun this is going to take an absurd amount of time to complete and very likely to drag on for far too long. It may also be a no starter if i cant machine these to holes but arfter spending 4 months finalizing the drawings i realy want to give it a go .So L8ter all …….Much Later hehe 😀
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Well impresed by your build.
If ur still intersted,I could lend you my combro CB625 ( after 8th march for testing.