Scope Rings – Why such a range of costs?
I’m looking at scope rings and wondering why there is such a range in costs. I understand why 1pc mounts are generally more expensive then 2pc of course, but otherwise what’s the difference?
Here’s a table of approx prices for 30mm tube / 11mm dovetail mounts from PyramidAir:
1-pc 2-pc
Leapers N/A $10
Beeman $91 $69
B-Square $55 $25 / $33
Accushot $14 N/A
What makes the Beeman 1-pc over 6 times more expensive then the Accushot version for example?
I’m new to the forum and putting together a Talon SS. Thanks for any comments in advance.
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LostSailor; I wish I had an answer for you. I use Luepold scopes and it is my understanding these are manufacured in the USA but I can’t speak for their accessories. As for other sellers….I’m betting on their being outsourced overseas. I hope I’m wrong. AKULA