
scope mounts adjustable or not?

i would like to know what kind of mounts everyone uses. ive noticed in the pictures of our shooting rigs i dont see many adjustable mounts. am i the only one who needs these mounts or what? i hate to shim a good scope. my talon now has high mounts with about .030 shim under the scope in the rear ring and the elavation on the scope is out of travel. ive just ordered an adjustable mount to solve my problem. the scope im using is a simmons 6x24x50 ao. thanks kingpin


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you guys nailed it im also 3 dots off at 35 feet. looks like i have a lot to learn. oh well just chalk that up to brain fade!!!. been shooting indoors till the weather changes. ill try at 30 yards im sure that will make a big change –thanks for turning the lights on—- kingpin

you guys nailed it im also 3 dots off at 35 feet. looks like i have a lot to learn. oh well just chalk that up to brain fade!!!. been shooting indoors till the weather changes. ill try at 30 yards im sure that will make a big change –thanks for turning the lights on—- kingpin

Good point, i’m zeroed in at 40yds. 3 dots down and i’m at 10yds.

quote kingpin:

i believe they adjust for windage and elevation . i cant get my scope zeroed without shims. i think shims are a poor way to zero my scope. and you need tall mounts on the talon so you can see thru the scope. i think the tall mounts aggrivate the problem.

How far are your trying to zero at? If you are trying to zero at a close distance like <10yrds, with a 3.5 inch scope height, you are making a huge change in elevation. Move your target to 20 and try again.

Have you tried switching the mounts front to back (switch places)?

I am not using adjustable mounts, no shims. Zero at 19 and 50 yrds.

Some of your problem may lie in the quality of rings you may have purchased. I have no problems with my Beeman one piecers but i spent over $50 on the mounts, but i don’t need shims to zero. Could the problem lie in the scope itself have you optically centered the scope?

i believe they adjust for windage and elevation . i cant get my scope zeroed without shims. i think shims are a poor way to zero my scope. and you need tall mounts on the talon so you can see thru the scope. i think the tall mounts aggrivate the problem.

I have a Beeman 1 piece high mount, only other one i’d consider is a cantileverd type one piece. Never tried an adjustable set don’t know that there is a need for it and just another screw to adjust. How do they adjust? Height wise or side to side, both ways?

For our rigs i believe the one piece adds a little rigidity to the toprail. Similar to what the tri-rail does, but have seen and heard of machineing inaccuracy issues with them. Other then that i like the look of it and how it stableizes the brech area.

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