Even with my condor collecting dust, I decided to mount a scope that I had got for it anyway. And even with a set of high rings the scope is to low to see threw. how high is that rail that airforce offers, and will it matter that they scope will be that high from the barrel?
thanks Dean
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Does that adapter still let the condor keeps its power and velocity that it had from the regular bottle?
Get yourself an E-taC ( with cast & cant best money you can spend for line of sight now they also have regulated models.
[quote=”Shadoh”]You know what we need? We need a very small periscope type attachment for our scopes. Two small mirrors that would move the scope eyepiece off to the side of the gun about an inch or two. You could swivel it up or down as well for eye relief height. McMike, get milling.[/quote]
That is a fantastic idea. itll probably be easy to just set up some pvc in that configuration. the only problem i can foresee is the eye relief
I use a tri-rail and a 50mm scope on my Condor. But others are right in that this set up makes close in shots more difficult. Mount up a laser for 10m and less work. It’ll double your fun as you can still connect out to the maximum range of the gun and point and shoot at closer targets. AKULA

I use High Mounts and a 60mm Scope and it works ok for me. Not that I shoot the bloody thing, but lining up the scope is no issue, although I agree that the ergonomics are not the best.
Wow thats low.
You must have a small head/face. I’d like to have mine a bit lower, but I have no choice with my XXXL Noggon and need to use a tri rail and medium mounts to be able to see through the scope AND have a bottle attached to the gun.
I trained myself to shoot with them. I couldn’t get the scope to shoot at 10yards because of the height of the scope to the barrel.
Now I can adjust my scope to 10 yards no problem.
I rest my cheeck on the bottle.
You know what we need? We need a very small periscope type attachment for our scopes. Two small mirrors that would move the scope eyepiece off to the side of the gun about an inch or two. You could swivel it up or down as well for eye relief height. McMike, get milling.
The problem is I can’t get into a comfortable eye relief position even with the high rings that I have now. due to the hight of the tank so low mounts aren’t even an option. can you really see with the scope that low? If so I wonder what I am doing wrong. must be me.
Thanks Dean
Wow thats low.
You must have a small head/face. I’d like to have mine a bit lower, but I have no choice with my XXXL Noggon and need to use a tri rail and medium mounts to be able to see through the scope AND have a bottle attached to the gun.

[quote=”sluggo”]I use low mounts on my condor. With the scope rail already 2 or 3 inchs above the barrel, I didn’t want to go higher. Here is a pic of a 50mm scope on my condor with low mounts. Just move the scope forward so it clears the rail.
I have a Tri-rail coming on mine with a 50mm scope. I still would like to be-able to shoot the gun from 25 yards on out.
I use low mounts on my condor. With the scope rail already 2 or 3 inchs above the barrel, I didn’t want to go higher. Here is a pic of a 50mm scope on my condor with low mounts. Just move the scope forward so it clears the rail.
I don’t use a tri-rail. I have my scopes mounted using ACCUSHOT 1″ Scope Rings part # RGPM-25H4. I got them from Pyramid Air and I like them just fine. It seems to be a matter of personal preference.
The Tri-rail will raise the scope just over a 1/2 inch higher than it is now. Many of the guys here run their scope that high. I had mine up that high but ended up backing it down a bit but that was just my preference. I think YN mentioned somewhere on here that higher mounting is preferable for long range shooting? It doesnt do much for your short range though but its not bad if you learn to use your mil dots.
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If you have the etac-reg ( not just an etac) you can choose the output. But even the highest output reg will not give the same power as a standard valve and bottle.